Regnology Acquires CG3-1 REGTECH LLC (CG3-1) to Expand North American Footprint

2024-10-15 16:23 PM

Regnology, a leading software provider focused on regulatory reporting solutions, is pleased to announce the acquisition of CG3-1, a firm specializing in regulatory calculations for the USA broker-dealer market.

This strategic acquisition marks another milestone for Regnology as it further expands its footprint in the US with dedicated solutions for broker-dealers, covering regulatory capital, customer reserve, and portfolio margin requirements.

Established in 2018, CG3-1 has quickly become a household name for US broker-dealers looking to comply with regulatory requirements such as SEA 15c3-1, SEA 15c3-3, and FINRA Rule 4210.

The acquisition also presents substantial opportunities for CG3-1 to elevate its offerings. By leveraging Regnology’s extensive regulatory reporting capabilities, CG3-1 can expand its value chain end-to-end 15c3-1 and 15c3-3 reporting solutions, including automated data sourcing and last mile reporting such as the FOCUS report. This integration will also enable CG3-1 to deliver a more robust and seamless client experience through advanced orchestration and enhanced workflow efficiency.

Bobby Rahman, Regnology Head of M&A, commented: “We are excited to continue with our acquisition strategy and bring CG3-1 under the Regnology umbrella. This move further solidifies our market position, and we look forward to announcing further acquisitions soon as we strive to become the global reference for RegTech and SupTech.”

Rob Mackay, Regnology CEO, added: “We have long admired CG3-1’s leadership and the recognition they gained serving Tier 1 clients. Their calculation tools are recognized as the best available and will be a valuable addition to our product portfolio, enabling us to enhance our regulatory offerings for the North American market.”

Charles Greiner III, CG3-1 President, stated: “We are incredibly excited about this integration with Regnology. CG3-1 is the preeminent provider of regulatory capital (SEA Rule 15c3-1) technologies within the U.S. and working with Regnology will create significant value for existing CG3-1 clients, the moment this transaction closes. The Regnology platform will create enterprise grade business continuity and enterprise grade security around the CG3-1 product line. Moreover, the knowledge and expertise of the Regnology team which will empower CG3-1 t to expand our SEA Rule 15c3-1 and 15c3-3 offerings.”

The acquisition is effective immediately, and our teams will begin collaborating to integrate CG3-1’s solutions into Regnology’s offerings.

About CG3-1

CG3-1 is a leading provider of regulatory capital calculation solutions, specializing in SEA Rule 15c3-1 compliance for the US broker-dealer market. Our innovative software applications are designed to calculate net capital requirements, ensuring precise and efficient regulatory reporting. With a mission to become the go-to technology solution for financial operations professionals, CG3-1 combines deep industry expertise with cutting-edge technology to support broker-dealers, regulators, and auditors. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has established us as a trusted partner in the financial services industry.

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About Regnology

Regnology is a leading technology firm on a mission to bring safety and stability to the financial markets. With an exclusive focus on regulatory reporting and more than 35,000 financial institutions, 70 regulators, international organizations, and tax authorities relying on our solutions to process their regulatory reporting data, we are uniquely positioned to bring greater data quality, efficiency, and cost savings to all market participants. With over 900 employees in 16 countries and a unified data ingestion model powering our work, our clients can quickly implement and derive value from our solutions and easily keep pace with ongoing regulatory changes. Regnology was formed in 2021 when BearingPoint RegTech, a former business unit of BearingPoint Group, joined forces with Vizor Software, a global leader in regulatory and supervisory technology. The company is on a continued organic and external growth path, building up as one of the world's most recognized regulatory reporting powerhouses.

For more information about Regnology, connect with us on LinkedIn and X.

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