Andersen Global Transitions Member Firm in Armenia

2024-09-19 14:50 PM

Andersen Global advances its capabilities in Armenia as TK & Partners, a full-service law firm and a collaborating firm since 2020, adopts the brand and is the latest member firm to join the global organization.

Andersen in Armenia offers comprehensive legal services, specializing in shareholder agreements, mergers and acquisitions, IP registration and litigation, debt and equity financing, due diligence, corporate insolvency, tax advisory, and real estate. Founded in 2012, Office Managing Partner Varoujan Avedikian leads an experienced team of professionals, who maintain strong relationships with clients and businesses.

“Becoming a member firm of Andersen Global marks a significant milestone in our commitment to excellence and client-focused approach,” said Varoujan. “The adoption of the Andersen brand empowers us to combine our deep local knowledge with global expertise, enhancing our ability to work closely with clients and deliver multidisciplinary solutions that drive their success in an increasingly integrated business landscape.”

“Andersen in Armenia has demonstrated remarkable growth and an unwavering commitment to best-in-class service during their time as a collaborating firm,” said Andersen Global Chairman and Andersen CEO Mark L. Vorsatz. “Their transition to a member firm strengthens our presence in the region and amplifies our capacity to offer integrated, cross-border solutions to clients.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax, legal, and valuation professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 17,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 475 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.

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