PUMA’s Sustainability Efforts for Climate, Water Security and Forests Receive ‘Leadership Level’ Scores From CDP

2025-02-21 13:50 PM

Sports company PUMA has received strongly improved scores for its sustainability efforts regarding water security and forests and maintained a top score for its climate policy in the latest ratings by global environmental non-profit CDP.

While PUMA kept its A ranking in climate change, it improved its scores in water security and forest to A-, from a score of B and C respectively in the previous year, meaning it was ranked at a ‘leadership level’ in all categories analyzed by CDP.

“We are very proud of the improvements PUMA has made regarding water security and forests compared to last year,” said Veronique Rochet, Senior Director Sustainability at PUMA. “Combined with our continued top score for our climate change policies, CDP has recognized our leadership position in these areas. With our Vision 2030 sustainability targets, which we presented last year, we will aim to improve our sustainability performance even further in the coming years.”

To protect waterways and water supplies near the factories of its partners, PUMA ensures that regular wastewater testing is carried out and has introduced efficiency programmes to reduce the amount of water needed to manufacture its products. Between 2019 and 2023, PUMA was able to save 2,401,002 m3 of water, the equivalent or more than 7 million bathtubs, per year through various efficiency programmes.

To ensure that the leather used for its products does not cause deforestation, PUMA joined the Leather Working Group’s and Textile Exchange’s call to action to source all bovine leather from deforestation-free supply chains by 2030 or earlier. Almost all tanneries used for PUMA’s leather products have been certified by the Leather Working Group and in 2023 99.4% of paper and cardboard was either FSC-certified and/or recycled.

PUMA has a target of cutting its absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 90% (market based) from a 2017 baseline year and has committed to reduce absolute Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from its supply chain and logistics by 33% compared to 2017, while continuing to strive for growth. These targets were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as aligned with a 1.5-degree scenario.

In 2024, PUMA announced its new sustainability targets Vision 2030 which were introduced to further improve the company’s performance in the areas of Climate, Circularity and Human Rights. For more information, please click here.


PUMA is one of the world’s leading sports brands, designing, developing, selling and marketing footwear, apparel and accessories. For more than 75 years, PUMA has relentlessly pushed sport and culture forward by creating fast products for the world’s fastest athletes. PUMA offers performance and sport-inspired lifestyle products in categories such as Football, Running and Training, Basketball, Golf, and Motorsports. It collaborates with renowned designers and brands to bring sport influences into street culture and fashion. The PUMA Group owns the brands PUMA, Cobra Golf and stichd. The company distributes its products in more than 120 countries, employs about 20,000 people worldwide, and is headquartered in Herzogenaurach/Germany.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250220266815/en/

Website: https://about.puma.com/

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