Talendy Holdings in Singapore to Expand Asia-Pacific Operations

2024-10-17 15:20 PM

Tech Japan, a leading HR tech venture specializing in recruitment platform solutions called “Talendy” for highly-skilled Indian talent in the technology sector, proudly announces the establishment of Talendy Holdings in Singapore. This strategic move is designed to enhance Tech Japan’s presence in the East Asia region, with a specific focus on Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, reinforcing the company’s dedication to fostering growth and innovation through diverse talent networks.

Talendy engages in strategic design for global engineering organization and system development, provides recruitment support using its platform, leverages EOR schemes for talent acquisition without bound by the location of the country of incorporation, and manages the establishment and operations of GCCs (Global Capability Centers) in India. This expansion offers an opportunity for technology talent in India to extend their reach beyond Japan to Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore, thereby broadening their scope of influence and opportunities.
*GCC: established by organizations in talent-rich locations to provide the value of global talent, resources, and expertise.

“We are delighted to launch Talendy Holdings in Singapore,” said Naotaka Nishiyama, CEO of Tech Japan. “Our presence in Singapore will allow us to better serve our clients in the region and facilitate the integration of highly-skilled Indian talent into leading tech ecosystems in Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. This marks a critical step in our strategy to support digital transformation across Asia.”

Operating under the mission “Accelerate digitalization through the power of diversity, creating a richer society,” Tech Japan has pioneered platforms that connect Japanese companies with prestigious Indian institutions, notably the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). The formation of Talendy Holdings will build on these foundations, aiming to streamline and expand talent acquisition processes in key Asian markets.

The creation of Talendy platform was originally from the “India-Japan Placement Working Group” maintained by Tech Japan with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Embassy of India in Japan. Additionally, Tech Japan’s collaboration with IIT Hyderabad, through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), underscores its innovative approach to talent acquisition, which has resulted in over one-third of students from seven IITs engaging with Tech Japan’s services.

Talendy Holdings will facilitate the regional expansion of these services, leveraging a robust database of top-tier IIT and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) graduates. This initiative will empower a diverse range of companies, from ambitious startups to established corporations, by providing them with the digital talent necessary to compete on a global stage.

Furthermore, Talendy Holdings plans to explore partnerships with local universities and engage in community-based talent development initiatives, thereby contributing to the dynamic business ecosystem of Singapore.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241008879413/en/

Website: https://www.talendy.world/news

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