AGC Group Achieves Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard for Float & Coated Glass Products in Asia

2024-09-05 17:35 PM

AGC Glass Asia Pacific’s float and coated glass range has been awarded the Cradle to Cradle Certificated® Bronze*1. This certification covers float and coated glass products manufactured by two AGC Group companies in Asia, PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk and AGC Float Glass (Thailand) Plc., and follows the existing certification of the Mirox MNGE product range.

The float and coated glass product range underwent a thorough evaluation against five key assessment criteria categories: Material Health, Material Reutilization, Renewable Energy, Water Stewardship and Social fairness. This certification validates not only the product’s sustainability credentials but also contributes to the acquisition of Green Building Certifications such as LEED, WELL, and Green Star (Australia).

The AGC Group has defined “three social values” to be created through its products and technologies in its medium-term management plan, AGC plus-2026. Among them, “Blue planet” aims to contribute to the sustainability of the global environment through product optimization and innovation. We are proud to announce that our float and coated glass product range have now earned Cradle to Cradle Certified®*2, following EPD*3 verification in 2022. The Group is reinforcing its commitment to promoting sustainable practices in the construction industry.

*1 This certification is based on version 3.1.
*2 AGC Glass Asia Pacific Sustainable Product Certifications
*3 AGC Glass Asia Pacific Embodied Carbon in Glass & EPD

About AGC

AGC Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, President & CEO: Yoshinori Hirai)(TOKYO:5201) is the parent company of the AGC Group, a world leading glass solution provider and supplier of flat, automotive and display glass, chemicals, ceramics and other high-tech materials and components. Building on more than a century of technical innovation, the AGC Group has developed a wide range of cutting-edge products. The Group employs some 57,000 people worldwide and generates annual sales of around 2.0 trillion Japanese yen (approx. US$ 13.2bn) through its operations in more than 30 countries and regions. Learn more at AGC's site and on LinkedIn.

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