Digital Cooperation Organization Concludes 4th General Assembly with Endorsement of 2025-2028 Agenda to Advance Digital Maturity

2025-02-21 14:15 PM

The Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), a global multilateral organization committed to enabling digital prosperity for all by accelerating the inclusive growth of the digital economy, has concluded its fourth annual General Assembly in Jordan on 19th February 2025, launching new digital cooperation initiatives aimed at narrowing the global digital divide and endorsing the DCO’s 2025-2028 Agenda that will advance digital maturity across Member States.

In the Declaration of the General Assembly, the 16 DCO Member States reaffirmed their commitment to building an inclusive, human-centric, and sustainable digital economy. They also welcomed the decision to broaden DCO membership by establishing the Associate Membership mechanism, and the successful implementation of the WE-Elevate initiative.

DCO’s Member States furthermore endorsed the following cross-border initiatives: the DCO Entrepreneurship and Innovation Standard of Excellence, the DCO Interoperability Mechanism for Cross-Border Data Flows, the DCO Model Contractual Clauses, the AI Ethics Evaluator, the AI Readiness Toolkit, the Framework for Strengthening National Agendas to Combat Online Misinformation, the establishment of a Ministerial Committee chaired by Kuwait, and the E-Waste Management Framework.

These build upon successful initiatives endorsed at the inaugural International Digital Cooperation Forum (IDCF) held on the sidelines of the Assembly, including the Framework for Cross-Border E-Waste Management, the Responsible AI Governance Policy Tool, and the AI Readiness Toolkit.

Member States also adopted the DCO Model Startup Act, the DCO Data Privacy Principles, the DCO Principles for Ethical AI, the DCO Intent on Safe Digital Space for Children, and the DCO Intent on Digital Intellectual Property (IP) Protection.

On the sidelines of the Assembly, MoUs were signed between DCO and the Mohammed Bin Salman Foundation (MISK), HP Inc., the Agency for Economic Cooperation and Development, and between the Sultanate of Oman and 500 Global. A Statement of Intent was additionally signed between DCO and United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).

In addition, the four-year 2025-2028 Agenda was endorsed, providing clear direction for initiatives that drive transformative growth, ensuring we are prepared to succeed collectively through the power of multilateral actions in an increasingly interconnected, technology- driven world.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was additionally endorsed for the Presidency of the DCO Council for 2026. Also, the council announced the composition of the 2025 Executive Committee, which will be chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will include the following Member States: the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Kuwait, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of Cyprus, the Kingdom of Morocco, and the Sultanate of Oman.

The Jordanian Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and Chairman of the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO) Council, H.E. Engineer Sami Smeirat, stated that it is a great honor for Jordan to host the 4th General Assembly of the Digital Cooperation Organization, which represents a significant milestone in advancing digital cooperation among member states. He emphasized that through Jordan’s presidency of the organization in 2024, the country has demonstrated its ability to lead global efforts toward building an inclusive and sustainable digital economy that is human-centered and serves everyone without exception.

Smeirat added, “Throughout this year, we have launched ambitious initiatives, strengthened public-private partnerships, and laid solid foundations to empower youth and women in the technology sector.”

“Today, as we hand over the presidency to our brothers in the State of Kuwait, we reaffirm Jordan’s commitment to remaining an active partner in achieving the organization’s goals. We look forward to continuing our joint efforts to realize our shared vision: a digital world marked by prosperity and fairness for all.”

Deemah AlYahya, Secretary-General of DCO, said: “On behalf of the DCO Secretariat, I extend our appreciation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and our deepest gratitude to H.E. Sami Smeirat and the Council of Member States, for their guidance and unwavering support provided throughout the year.”

“The General Assembly marked four years of progress for DCO, showcasing our commitment to uniting governments, the private sector, and civil society to discuss the state of the digital economy and the shared challenges in achieving inclusive and sustainable global digital prosperity.”

The Secretary-General highlighted DCO’s upcoming ambitions, adding: “While we have achieved much over the past four years, there is still important work ahead to drive digital economic growth for all. Our 2025-2028 Agenda marks the beginning of a new digital era for DCO. Global collaboration will be essential in achieving inclusive and sustainable development, benefiting more than 800 million people across our 16 Member States and shaping a better future for generations to come.”

Chaired by H.E. Sami Smeirat, Chairperson of the DCO Council for Digital Collaboration and Jordanian Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, the GA saw the handover of the DCO Council presidency for 2025 from Jordan to the State of Kuwait, where the next DCO General Assembly will take pace in February 2026. The 5th GA will discuss the impact of joint initiatives in line with the 4-Year 2025-2028 Agenda.

Omar Saud Al-Omar, Minister of State for Communication Affairs, Kuwait, said: “The State of Kuwait is honored to have been elected to the Presidency of DCO. We look forward to building on our contributions, including guiding efforts to combat online misinformation by chairing a Ministerial Committee that will oversee the implementation of the Framework for Strengthening National Agendas to Combat Online Misinformation.”

“Our Presidency comes at a pivotal time for DCO, with the 2025-2028 Agenda setting a blueprint for the next four years. We are ready to share our expertise so that all nations have an opportunity to prosper in the digital economy. Kuwait also affirms its commitment to supporting digital transformation by adopting initiatives and projects that enhance the digital economy, encourage innovation and digital entrepreneurship, thus contributing to empowering societies and achieving sustainable technology-based development.”

More information about the DCO can be found at


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Source: AETOSWire

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