Eurobank Collaborates with LTIMindtree for a Multi-Year Banking Technology Program

2025-02-18 11:40 AM

Eurobank S.A. (“Eurobank”), a subsidiary of “Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings S.A.” (“Eurobank Holdings”) a leading banking group in Athens, Greece and LTIMindtree [NSE: LTIM, BSE: 540005], a global technology consulting and digital solutions company, have joined forces to initiate a multi-year mutually beneficial cooperation focused on enhancing customer experience by improving banking operations and building innovative IT services for Eurobank and its subsidiaries. The collaboration has been enabled by Fairfax Digital Services (A Fairfax Company) and will include the establishment of a Global Delivery Center in India.

Global Delivery Center, Pune - Executing a shared vision

Strengthening the commitment to innovation, customer experience, and excellence in banking technology, Eurobank & LTIMindtree, powered by Fairfax Digital Services, officially inaugurated their new Global Delivery Center at the LTIMindtree office today in Pune, India. The Global Delivery Center is yet another testimony to the strong economic ties between Greece & India. Alongside the recently established LTIMindtree Greece office, this center will drive technology modernisation, digital innovation as well as enhance and maintain critical banking applications. This initiative will empower Eurobank Group to effectively meet growing customers' demands as it expands its services.

Empowering Eurobank Group - Harnessing Next-Gen IT Solutions to enhance customer experience

As part of the multi-year relationship, LTIMindtree has been selected as the Services Partner for Eurobank Luxembourg’s Temenos implementation program, providing maintenance, data migration, quality assurance, and post-production support services to the bank. LTIMindtree will help drive innovation and modernise the technology infrastructure for Eurobank Group, in Cyprus, Luxembourg and Greece. The collaboration will enable both companies to leverage the power of LTIMindtree’s innovative technology and data solutions to drive significant improvements in customer experience and operational efficiency.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) & International Activities, Eurobank Holdings, Stavros Ioannou, said, “Eurobank Group has always been at the forefront of innovation, driving digital transformation to enhance customer experience and operational excellence. Our journey to becoming a digital leader is built on strategic partnerships that accelerate modernisation and create seamless, future-ready solutions. Partnering with LTIMindtree, in collaboration with Fairfax Digital Services, marks a significant milestone in this journey—strengthening our IT capabilities to meet evolving customer expectations and regulatory requirements. We are excited about the future as we redefine customer experience and set new industry benchmarks with the launch of our new Delivery Center in India.”

Sanjay Tugnait, CEO Fairfax Digital Services, said, “At Fairfax Digital Services, we are proud to collaborate with Eurobank and LTIMindtree to establish this new Global Delivery Center in Pune. By embracing emerging technologies, we are driving innovation to create enhanced customer experiences and deliver strong business value. This partnership will help Eurobank navigate a rapidly evolving technology landscape and strengthen its position as a digital leader in the industry.”

Srini Rao, EVP & Chief Business Officer Europe, LTIMindtree, said, “We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Eurobank as they embark on an ambitious journey to modernize their banking infrastructure technology platform. Our expertise in cutting-edge IT services and seamless Temenos implementation services positions us uniquely to deliver innovative solutions that meet the future needs of Eurobank.”

About Eurobank Group

The Eurobank Group, consisting of Eurobank SA and its subsidiaries, is a robust financial organisation. The Group develops financial products and services, focusing on customers and their needs. It offers sophisticated choices and well-rounded services to individuals and businesses. The Eurobank Group operates with transparency, builds credibility and applies modern corporate governance practices. With presence in Greece, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and UK (London), the Eurobank Group counts (data as of 30 September 2024):

· €99.6 billion in total assets
· 604 branches network in Greece and abroad
· 12,880 employees

About Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited

Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited is a holding company which, through its subsidiaries, is primarily engaged in property and casualty insurance and reinsurance and the associated investment management. Founded in 1985 by the present Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. V. Prem Watsa, the company is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

About LTIMindtree

LTIMindtree is a global technology consulting and digital solutions company that enables enterprises across industries to reimagine business models, accelerate innovation, and maximize growth by harnessing digital technologies. As a digital transformation partner to more than 700 clients, LTIMindtree brings extensive domain and technology expertise to help drive superior competitive differentiation, customer experiences, and business outcomes in a converging world. Powered by 86,000+ talented and entrepreneurial professionals across more than 40 countries, LTIMindtree — a Larsen & Toubro Group company — solves the most complex business challenges and delivers transformation at scale. For more information, please visit

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