MRI-Simmons Joins Truthset Data Collective to Further Validate Data Quality

2024-12-19 14:20 PM

MRI-Simmons, a leading provider of insights on the American consumer, today announced it has joined the Truthset Data Collective, a group of data providers uniting to help the marketing industry transact on data with the highest degree of accuracy and quality possible. By joining the Data Collective, the insights leader reinforces its commitment to transparency and accuracy, two qualities it has been associated with for over 70 years.

Launched in December of 2022, the Truthset Data Collective was formed to provide the industry with a multi-sourced and objectively accurate service to standardize demographic accuracy for audience targeting and media measurement. ​The collective leverages independent validation from Truthset at scale to solve the multi-billion-dollar data accuracy problem, while ensuring differentiation and actionability for participating data providers.

For MRI-Simmons, the Truthset relationship provides additional validation that its data sets are of the highest possible quality, which can be trusted by the industry at large. With four MRI-Simmons products already accredited by the Media Ratings Council, including its core consumer study ‘USA’, the Data Collective membership adds another layer of transparency to an already arduous process that includes rigorous annual audits conducted by an independent CPA firm.

“MRI-Simmons has demonstrated a dedication to transparency and unparalleled data quality that is unmatched in the industry,” said Lana Busignani, Head of Global Media for NIQ, the majority owner of MRI-Simmons. “By joining the Truthset Data Collective, we are reaffirming that commitment and signaling to the industry that our high-quality data can be trusted to drive more effective digital and addressable activation outcomes.”

“MRI-Simmons has a long and rich history of providing trusted marketing data and insights to the industry,” said Scott McKinley, CEO of Truthset. “We are thrilled to welcome them to the Data Collective and to work together to advance the marketing industry’s standards for data accuracy.”

Joining Truthset’s Data Collective comes on the heels of MRI-Simmons expanding its data enrichment solutions, which help marketers improve the quality and utility of first party data. With marketers tasked with driving greater media efficiency and return on advertising investments, the accuracy and reliability of third-party data sets used for enrichment is now paramount. Joining the Data Collective provides marketers with further assurance that MRI-Simmons and its consumer data sets are qualified to drive the marketing results they are striving for.

About MRI-Simmons

MRI-Simmons is a leading provider of insights on the American consumer. With transparency and methodological rigor at its foundation, MRI-Simmons makes consumer data smarter and empowers action from insights. A leader in consumer insights for over 60 years, MRI-Simmons possesses one of the few single-source, privacy-compliant data sets that is widely used for consumer profiling, media planning, data enrichment, and activation. Powered by address-based probabilistic sampling, MRI-Simmons measures real people, chosen at random to represent the US population in all its variations. The result is a nationally representative and culturally diverse data set that provides the most comprehensive and accurate view of the American consumer.

Catalyst, the company’s consumer insights and activation engine, informs marketing strategy and streamlines the use of data to drive business results. Built on MRI-Simmons’ nationally representative consumer truth set, Catalyst provides marketers with a series of modules, from consumer profiling through digital and addressable activation, designed to enable a self-service experience with complete transparency.

Launched as a joint venture in 2019, MRI-Simmons is co-owned by GfK and SymphonyAI Group, with GfK as the majority partner. In 2023, GfK combined with NIQ, bringing together two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. To learn more, visit

About Truthset

Truthset is a data intelligence company focused exclusively on validating the accuracy of consumer data. The company helps brands build trust in data, and improve the performance of any data-driven decision. Truthset compiles a likelihood of truth for any individual record that can be used to validate the accuracy of data and power more accurate consumer interactions. Truthset was founded in 2019 by industry veterans from Nielsen, Salesforce, LiveRamp, and Procter & Gamble, and is currently headquartered in San Francisco.

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12월 19일 14:20

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