Digitalog Technologies Recognized as ‘Great Place to Work’ and ‘Great Place to Work for Working Moms’

2024-12-06 15:45 PM

Digitalog Technologies (hereinafter referred to as ‘Digitalog’) has been honored by the global trust management organization GPTW (Great Place to Work Institute) and GPTW Korea as a recipient of the ‘Best Workplace in Korea’ award and the special category award for the ‘Best Workplace for Working Moms in Korea.’ This recognition highlights Digitalog’s commitment to prioritizing employee welfare and fostering a culture of trust and balance.

Digitalog has implemented various employee-centric policies to promote work-life balance, which have been highly praised. Employees can use leave in hourly increments, and the company provides additional leave categories, such as Sick Leave and Family Care Leave, separate from regular annual leave. Furthermore, employees who donate blood certificates to the company each quarter are granted additional paid half-day leaves, with up to two days of annual paid blood donation leave. These certificates are planned to be donated to a children’s hospital at the end of the year, demonstrating the company’s dedication to social responsibility. Digitalog also offers paid bereavement leave for the loss of pets, showcasing its thoughtful approach to employee well-being.

To further enhance employee satisfaction and productivity, Digitalog provides state-of-the-art ergonomic equipment, including electric height-adjustable desks and dual 27-inch curved monitors for all employees. These efforts have led to Digitalog’s selection as a ‘Work-Life Balance Employer’ by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, a participant in the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s ‘Work-Life Balance Campaign,’ and a ‘Family-Friendly Employer’ by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

Digitalog is a global SaaS provider specializing in integrated marketing platforms (IMP). Its platform optimizes advertising and marketing campaigns using data-driven insights, helping clients maximize their marketing performance. The company continues to expand its presence across diverse international markets and solidify its global impact.

Alex Son, CEO of Digitalog, stated, “This award reflects our relentless efforts to prioritize the well-being and happiness of our employees. We will continue striving to create an environment where every team member feels proud to work.” Sia Son, HR Manager at Digitalog, added, “Our employee welfare goes beyond mere support; it represents a core element of our company’s growth strategy. We remain dedicated to building a workplace where every individual feels valued and empowered.”

About Digitalog Technologies

Digitalog (Digitalog Technologies, Inc.) is a global SaaS company that develops an innovative Integrated Marketing Platform (IMP) to deliver marketing automation, data analytics, and campaign optimization services to clients worldwide. The IMP supports personalized marketing strategies and maximizes efficiency and results through data-driven decision-making. Initially established in Asia, Digitalog is now rapidly expanding its presence across the global SaaS market, demonstrating significant growth beyond the APAC region.


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