Perion Unveils Anyplace TV, Expanding Video & CTV Advertising Solutions Through Programmatic DOOH

2024-11-29 10:00 AM

Perion Network Ltd. (NASDAQ & TASE: PERI), a technology leader in connecting advertisers to consumers across all major digital channels, today announced the launch of Perion’s Anyplace TV, a new solution that provides advertisers with enhanced capabilities to extend the reach of their CTV and other video campaigns onto unique screens out of the home. Available globally, Perion’s Anyplace TV enables advertisers to extend their one-to-one video reach beyond traditional video channels to unique one-to-many DOOH environments and improve campaign effectiveness.

In a landscape where video ad spend is projected to reach $191.3 billion this year, with CTV accounting for $34.4 billion[1], Perion’s Anyplace TV introduces an effective approach to video campaign execution. The solution uses Perion’s DOOH impression multiplier methodology via the Hivestack platform, utilizing the Media Rating Council (MRC) accredited measurement from trade organizations in respective markets. This approach bridges the gap between one-to-one and one-to-many environments, enabling advertisers to achieve greater scale and efficiency.

“Video advertising has evolved beyond single-channel strategies, and while running video ads across many channels, including DOOH, is not new, the path to planning and activating across multiple channels can be fragmented,” said Tal Jacobson, Perion’s CEO. “Perion’s Anyplace TV represents a significant step forward in this evolution to streamline the advertiser experience. By unifying DOOH and CTV environments, we're enabling advertisers to easily maximize the impact of their video assets while achieving superior cost efficiency and guaranteed MRC viewability.”

Key benefits include:

· Guaranteed Viewability: Non-skippable ads with 100% viewability and completion rates.
· Extensive Reach: Access to video-enabled DOOH inventory across 75% of Perion’s Hivestack's global network of over 1M screens globally.
· Creative Flexibility: Support for standard 10, 12 and 15-second video spots, with some locations featuring audio capabilities.
· Real-Time Optimization: Dynamic scheduling and content updates for timely campaign adjustments.

Today, 75% of Perion’s global DOOH inventory supports video advertising capabilities. Platform data shows consistent adoption of video formats, with video appearing in 22% of global DOOH campaigns over the past year - reaching up to 40% of campaigns in the U.S. market and higher penetration in other regions.

For more information, contact us here.

[1] Statista Video Advertising Market Insights, March 2024

About Perion Network Ltd.

Perion connects advertisers with consumers through technology across all major digital channels. Our cross-channel creative and technological strategies enable brands to maintain a powerful presence across the entire consumer journey, online and offline. Perion is dedicated to building an advertiser-centric universe, providing significant benefits to both brands and publishers.

For more information, visit Perion's website at

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