Andersen Global Adds M&A and Investment Banking Capabilities to Platform in South Africa

2024-11-15 11:35 AM

Andersen Global continues to build its multidisciplinary platform in South Africa through a Collaboration Agreement with Merchantec Capital, an M&A and investment banking firm based in Johannesburg.

Operating for over two decades, Merchantec Capital offers a diverse range of services, including mergers and acquisitions advisory, valuations, equity and debt capital raising services, corporate governance, JSE equity and debt sponsor services, research, and wealth management. The firm works with public companies, large corporations, privately-owned businesses, management teams, and private equity firms, providing strategic solutions that meet both local and international business needs.

“Providing objective, one-stop solutions for clients has been a key objective and driving force behind our growth to date,” shared Executive Director Marcel Goncalves. “This collaboration with Andersen Global enables us to continue to serve clients objectively and expands our reach to assist clients with cross-border transactions and global growth strategies.”

Global Chairman and CEO of Andersen Mark L. Vorsatz said, “Merchantec Capital’s depth of experience and strategic approach to serving clients aligns with our organization’s commitment to delivering best-in-class service worldwide. Their team also brings a wealth of expertise in local and international regulations, making them a key addition as we continue to expand our capabilities in Africa.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax, legal, and valuation professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 17,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 475 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.

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