Summit Partners Raises $9.5 Billion for Twelfth U.S. Growth Equity Fund

2024-10-03 11:00 AM

Summit Partners, a global growth equity investment firm, today announced the closing of its latest flagship U.S. growth equity fund. Summit Partners Growth Equity Fund XII (“Summit XII”) launched fundraising in late April 2024 and held its closing after approximately five months with $9.5 billion in capital. Consistent with the firm’s prior funds, the general partner will be the single largest investor in Summit XII.

“We are deeply grateful for the longstanding support of our existing limited partners and are pleased to welcome several new investors,” said Peter Chung, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Summit Partners. “With the closing of our latest flagship fund, we will continue to execute our growth equity investing strategy. This strategy, which we believe is both timeless and time-tested, is grounded in our foundational belief that profitable growth is the most reliable source of superior risk-adjusted returns through market and economic cycles. We look forward to serving our limited partners and our portfolio companies as the partner of choice for category-leading growth companies in the technology, healthcare, and growth products and services sectors.”

Today, Summit’s global team includes more than 100 investment professionals with deep domain knowledge within key growth sectors, including technology, healthcare, financial technology and services, business services and consumer. The team works collaboratively across offices in the U.S. and Europe, leveraging four decades of industry experience to partner with executives and management teams and help support the profitable growth of the businesses they lead. As active board members and through the Peak Performance Group, the firm’s dedicated value enhancement team, Summit offers strategic resources designed specifically to provide expertise in areas the firm believes are critical to promoting long-term, profitable growth, including revenue optimization, digital marketing, human capital strategy, capital markets, and technology and data science.

In 2024, Summit Partners celebrated 40 years of growth investing. With this new fund, the firm will execute the strategy it pioneered in 1984, even as the team continues to innovate and refine its approach to supporting the growth of the businesses with which it partners. Summit XII will target majority and minority investments of $75 to $500 million primarily in profitable, category-leading growth companies. With this new capital, Summit is now managing more than $46 billion in assets across its fund complex.

About Summit Partners

Summit Partners is a leading growth-focused investment firm. Summit invests across growth sectors of the economy and, since the firm’s founding in 1984, has invested in more than 550 companies in technology, healthcare and other growth industries. These companies have completed more than 175 public equity offerings, and more than 250 have been acquired through strategic mergers and sales. Summit maintains offices in North America and Europe and seeks to invest in category-leading, profitable growth companies worldwide. For more information, please see or follow on LinkedIn.

In the United States of America, Summit Partners operates as an SEC-registered investment advisor. In the United Kingdom, this document is issued by Summit Partners LLP, a firm authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Summit Partners LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC388179 and its registered office is at 11-12 Hanover Square, London, W1S 1JJ, UK. This document is intended solely to provide information regarding Summit Partners’ potential financing capabilities for prospective portfolio companies.

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