INVIDI Technologies Partners with Thaicom and PSI to Reinvent Thailand’s Media Industry

2024-10-02 13:35 PM

INVIDI Technologies, the global leader in targeted, addressable advertising and innovation, announces an industry-transforming partnership with Thaicom, a leading Asian satellite and space tech company and PSI, Thailand’s largest satellite network and set-top box provider, to launch addressable advertising, an innovative technology that enables advertisers to deliver personalized ads to specific individuals or households in Thailand. Having developed the first widely deployed addressable advertising system in the world, INVIDI has made the commitment to support Thai broadcasters in boosting ad revenue and fund new premium content.

“Thaicom, as a key player in Thailand’s broadcasting industry, is committed to leveraging technology to benefit our customers,” said Ekachai Phakdurong, Chief Strategy Officer of Thaicom. “Working together with INVIDI and PSI, we are excited to develop addressable advertising solutions. This collaboration will support Thailand’s broadcasting players to jointly benefit from technology and partnerships.”

Addressable TV turns the advertising business model on its head, and everyone benefits. It provides substantial incremental revenue to content providers and distributors while giving advertisers an opportunity to target their most relevant customers in an efficient and cost-effective way. At the same time, viewers have a much better experience because they’re receiving ads that are relevant to them.

“PSI believes that addressable advertising will significantly benefit the industry, and we are proud to be a part of this development,” commented Phanuwat Phongsuwankul, CEO of PSI. “As Thailand’s highest market share of satellite receivers, we’re glad to partner with INVIDI and Thaicom for the future growth of Addressable Ad in Thailand.”

According to Media Partners Asia, the addressable opportunity in Thailand alone represents a 19% CAGR over the next five years, and a 24% CAGR across Southeast Asia and India.

“There is a clear potential for TV advertising. I can say this because we at INVIDI have seen the incredible revenue impact of addressable advertising in the US,” said Nick Chuah, Managing Director of APAC at INVIDI. “It is an honor to partner with Thaicom and PSI, as they are both formidable forces in the Thai market.”

Thanks to addressable advertising, the future of premium television is bright. INVIDI and its partners have big plans and expect to launch addressable advertising across the satellite footprint in the second half of 2025, followed by the terrestrial footprint in late 2026.

To learn more about the business of addressable advertising, please visit

About INVIDI Technologies

INVIDI Technologies is a global leader in advanced, addressable advertising solutions, providing innovative technology for targeted advertising that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of media campaigns. With a commitment to driving growth and innovation, INVIDI continues to lead the industry in delivering cutting-edge solutions for advertisers and content creators worldwide.

About Thaicom

Thaicom Public Company Limited is a leading Asian satellite operator and regional space technology company. Established in 1991, Thaicom leverages its expertise in the satellite industry to provide comprehensive end-to-end satellite communications services. With proven track records as the pioneers in broadband and broadcast services in Asia, Thaicom developed and launched IPSTAR (Thaicom 4), the world’s first High Throughput Satellite (HTS), as well as providing Asia’s first Ku-band Direct-to-Home (DTH) broadcasting. As the leading regional space tech company, Thaicom leverages data from space, bringing GEO or non-GEO technology to capture new services. The company is dedicated to building on our commitment to empowering people with Innovative Space Technology for a better life. For more information visit:

About PSI

PSI Corporation Co, Ltd. is a center for satellite dishes, air conditioners, CCTV cameras, a manufacturer and distributor of satellite dishes that has been established for more than 30 years, one of the prides of Thai people under the PSI brand. It is a leading company in manufacturing and distribution of equipment that uses the country’s satellite communication system in order to respond to the needs of customers covering all groups.

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