Flatworld Solutions Expands Operations with New Office in Ahmedabad, India.

2024-09-18 10:35 AM

Flatworld Solutions, a global leader in IT and ITES, announced the opening of its new office in Ahmedabad, India. This expansion marks a significant milestone in the company‘s 18-year journey of delivering top-tier IT and ITES to its international clientele. The new Ahmedabad office will serve as an offshore development center, focusing initially on mobile and eCommerce development services. It will cater to the growing demands of a leading Los Angeles-based client, showcasing Flatworld’s ability to manage large-scale projects across borders.

Mr. Jacob Williams, CEO of Flatworld Solutions, stated, “Our new Ahmedabad office demonstrates our commitment to providing cutting-edge software solutions. We‘re excited to tap into the city’s rich talent pool, which aligns perfectly with our vision of delivering exceptional technology services to global clients.”

Flatworld Solutions, driven by over 3,500 Flatworldians, has dramatically expanded its global presence over two decades. A global leader in IT and business process outsourcing services, the company offers a wide range of solutions including software development, data management, and business consulting. With more than 14 services offered, Flatworld serves 18,000+ customers worldwide. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, the new office is poised to enhance the company‘s service delivery capabilities and contribute to local employment. This strategic location, known for its thriving IT ecosystem, will support Flatworld’s mission to provide innovative solutions in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

For more information about Flatworld Solutions and its services, please visit www.flatworldsolutions.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240910057504/en/

Website: https://www.flatworldsolutions.com/

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