Andersen Global Amplifies Asia Pacific Coverage with Real Estate Consulting Capabilities in Australia

2024-12-12 15:55 PM

Andersen Global strengthens its platform in the Asia Pacific region through a Collaboration Agreement with Charter Keck Cramer, one of Australia’s leading, independent property advisory firms.

What began as a small business in 1970, Charter Keck Cramer has since evolved into a multidisciplinary firm with more than 170 professionals operating across five offices in Australia and Singapore. The firm offers a comprehensive range of property-related services, including valuations across residential and commercial property, property and development advisory, property data and analytics as well as strategic planning and urban economics, and quantity surveying. Charter Keck Cramer serves a diverse Australian and international client base including public and private corporations, owners and developers, major banks and financial institutions, institutional owners and trusts, government entities and family offices.

“Our growth over the past 54 years is driven by our independent, tailored approach to creating value for clients,” said Peter Hutchins, Chief Executive of Charter Keck Cramer. “We’re proud to represent Australia in real estate advisory through our collaboration with Andersen Global, which positions us as the go-to for overseas investors looking to navigate the Australian property market, while also extending our reach globally.”

Global Chairman and CEO of Andersen Mark L. Vorsatz added, “In addition to our shared commitment to delivering best-in-class solutions for our clients, Charter Keck Cramer’s ability to provide a full suite of independent property advisory capabilities is unique within the market and bolsters our multidisciplinary offering throughout the Asia Pacific region.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax, legal, and valuation professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 18,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 500 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.

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