Material Receives Splash Award for Outstanding Drupal Website

2024-12-11 10:10 AM

Material, a leading insights, marketing and technology company, is pleased to announce it is the recipient of the Splash Award in the “Education” category for work with INSEAD - The Business School for the World® and runner-up in the “Corporate” category for work with Stuff Limited. The first-ever DrupalCon Singapore Splash Awards celebrate outstanding websites and digital experiences built with Drupal, highlighting the creativity, technical excellence and innovative solutions agencies and developers bring to diverse industries and challenges.

For the award-winning “Education” work, Material partnered with INSEAD to enhance the school’s overall digital presence, improve engagement and strengthen brand identity, aligning technology with business strategy to drive growth and success. Leveraging the latest Drupal technology, Material helped INSEAD increase conversion and retention rates, streamline user journeys and improve site usability.

“Receiving the Splash Awards showcases Material’s dedication to leveraging cutting-edge technology and delivering an integrated approach with scalable, impactful solutions,” said Anutosh Yadav, Material senior vice president and chief technology officer for marketing services and experience technology. “We are proud of this recognition and the great partnership we’ve created with our clients as we stay committed to creating best-in-class personalized digital experiences to drive business growth for our clients.”

“We are pleased to see our collaboration with Material recognized,” said Dov Campbell, INSEAD director of digital communications. “At INSEAD, we are committed to creating a seamless and engaging digital experience for our global community of faculty, students, alumni and partners. By leveraging advanced technology, we continue to set new standards in delivering impactful educational offerings.”

This is the second year in a row Material has won an award for work with INSEAD. In 2023, Material received an Acquia Engage Award in the “Most Impactful Tech Stack Integration” category for INSEAD’s digital experience. In 2024, Material was also named a finalist in the CX Asia Excellence Awards for its customer experience technology work with INSEAD.

Named runner-up in the Splash Award’s “Corporate” category, Material collaborated with Stuff Limited to deliver a modernized, multi-tenant system capable of handling up to 200 million requests per day, streamlining operations and reducing costs to boost efficiency and scalability. By utilizing Drupal, Material helped Stuff Limited achieve a 30 percent reduction in cloud and operations cost.

About Material

Material is a global strategy partner that combines deep human insights with modern technology that speeds engagement and growth for the world’s most recognizable brands and innovative companies. We design + build customer-centric business models and experiences to transform relationships between businesses and the people they serve. Learn more at

About DrupalCon

DrupalCon is the premier event for the Drupal community, bringing together developers, designers, project managers and business leaders from around the globe. Hosted by the Drupal Association, the conference provides an opportunity to collaborate, innovate and explore the latest advancements in web development and digital experience. Featuring keynote speakers, hands-on sessions, the Splash Awards ceremony and networking events, DrupalCon serves as a hub for sharing knowledge and building connections that drive the Drupal platform forward.

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