LTIMindtree Announces Partnership and Strategic Investment in Voicing.AI, An Agentic AI Solution for Customer Engagement Processes

2024-12-05 11:15 AM

LTIMindtree USA Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of LTIMindtree [NSE: LTIM, BSE: 540005], a global technology consulting and digital solutions company, announced a partnership, including a strategic investment in Voicing.AI, a next-generation start-up. This partnership aligns with LTIMindtree’s strategy, AI in everything, Everything for AI and AI for Everyone. Voicing.AI’s proprietary technology brings human-like voice capability across more than 20 languages with conversational, contextual, and emotional intelligence, in what is typically referred to as ‘agentic AI’.

LTIMindtree aims to reshape the future of Business Processes by leveraging AI-led platforms. This will enable their clients to optimize costs, reduce risk, enhance user experience, address revenue leakages, and enhance upsell opportunities. LTIMindtree will help clients integrate Voicing.AI with their custom tools, knowledge bases - both structured or unstructured, CRM systems, and leading call management platforms and systems. This Agentic AI technology is fully compliant with SOC2, HIPAA, and multi-layered data security protocols.

You can view the demo video here.

“Our investment with Voicing.AI aims to redefine how businesses interact with their customers through intelligent automation and AI,” said Debashis Chatterjee, CEO and Managing Director, LTIMindtree. “This partnership and investment not only underscore our commitment to innovation but also ensures that LTIMindtree is an early mover in capitalizing on the disruption expected across platform operations.”

“Voicing.AI is fundamentally disrupting the massive customer engagement market by powering new revenue growth, personalizing customer connections, and fostering a human dialogue between a business and its customers. LTIMindtree presented us with a deeply focused comprehensive vision for this Responsible AI transformation and we are excited to partner with them,” said Abhi Kumar, Co-Founder - Voicing.AI. “We look forward to working with LTIMindtree’s global clients to fulfill the growing demand as more enterprises look to automate their platform operations.”

About LTIMindtree:

LTIMindtree is a global technology consulting and digital solutions company that enables enterprises across industries to reimagine business models, accelerate innovation, and maximize growth by harnessing digital technologies. As a digital transformation partner to more than 700 clients, LTIMindtree brings extensive domain and technology expertise to help drive superior competitive differentiation, customer experiences, and business outcomes in a converging world. Powered by 84,000+ talented and entrepreneurial professionals across more than 30 countries, LTIMindtree — a Larsen & Toubro Group company — solves the most complex business challenges and delivers transformation at scale. For more information, please visit

About Voicing.AI:

Voicing.AI provides codeless infrastructure for enterprises to build and scale human-like AI voice agents to maximize productivity & business outcomes, with top-tier trust and safety protocols for a Responsible AI. Voicing AI helps enterprises progress with every customer interaction: Sales & Marketing, supercharge your conversion rate by up to 8x by instantly calling inbound leads as soon as they engage with you; Customer Success: enhance your customer care experience by instantly reaching out to customers the moment they request assistance; Listen to Users: improve your feedback collection by instantly reaching out to your users at any interaction. For more information, please visit

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