28th World Investment Conference in Riyadh Concludes with Calls for International Collaboration, Innovation, and Sustainability

2024-12-01 09:00 AM

International collaboration, innovation and sustainability were the key themes of the 28th World Investment Conference (WIC28), hosted by Invest Saudi and The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) that concluded in Riyadh this week.

Commenting on the success of the event, H.E. Khalid A. Al-Falih, Saudi Minister of Investment said, "This event was held under the auspicious patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to whom we extend our deepest gratitude for his visionary leadership and unwavering support.

“Over the past three days, we discussed the critical challenges facing global investment and reviewed the boundless opportunities that investment offers. From the robust discussions on harnessing digital transformation and sustainable growth to the landmark agreements announced under Saudi Arabia’s Global Supply Chain Resilience Initiative, WIC28 has reaffirmed our collective commitment to shaping a future defined by collaboration, innovation, and resilience.

“Guided by the principles of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has emerged as a global economic growth leader, fostering partnerships that transcend borders and sectors. Together, we have showcased the power of strategic alliances, localized value chains, and cutting-edge technologies to drive meaningful economic impact.

“I extend my thanks to the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies for partnering with us in hosting this event and I am confident that the insights, connections, and agreements forged here will resonate far beyond this event, inspiring transformative investments and sustainable growth across the globe.”

Across three days, WIC28, under the theme of “Harnessing Digital Transformation and Sustainable Growth”, addressed challenges and opportunities that included digital transformation, sustainability, and localized value chains. The conference highlighted Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 as a transformative framework for aligning global partnerships, technological innovation, and sustainable development.

H.E. Bandar Ibrahim Alkhorayef, Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, speaking on the ‘Strategic Alliances: Leveraging Partnerships for Investment Success’ panel on Day 3 underscored the Kingdom’s commitment to fostering global partnerships, stating: “It has been part of how we design most of the activities that we plan and are executing today.”

He told his panel: “The question about international collaboration is not whether to do it but how to do it, and where to find the right attractive concepts that make it interesting for different parties to collaborate and connect.”

Saudi Arabia’s incentives, he noted, include its advanced infrastructure - both digital and physical - focused on manufacturing, supply chain, and logistics, which enable investors to reduce costs significantly. “And we have approved three economic zones, offering additional benefits for those targeting not only the local market but also the global market,” he added.

Other sessions at the event included the ‘Bridging Borders’ discussion, which focused on transparent collaboration and regulatory cohesion, while ‘To Finish First, First You Have to Finish’ examined operational excellence in Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs), emphasizing governance, efficiency, and leveraging technology to enhance investor experiences. Meanwhile, ‘Ready, Set, Go’ delved into Saudi Arabia’s efforts to attract investments in specialized industries, particularly advanced manufacturing and renewable energy, by showcasing the Kingdom’s competitive advantages.

The event was held 25-27 November in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is yet to be decided where the next edition will be held.

About WIC: https://waipa.org/wic-info

*Source: AETOSWire

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241128896366/en/

Website: https://waipa.org/wic-info

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