Yakult, Lurpak, Sennheiser, BYD, Casio and Spotify Are Among the Global Winners of the 2024-2025 World Branding Awards

2024-11-27 15:50 PM

The 18th edition of the World Branding Awards honoured the success and achievements of some of the World’s Best Brands as National, Regional, and Global Winners. The 2024-2025 World Branding Awards saw over 927 brands from 66 countries nominated as “Brand of the Year.” Of these, less than 100 were declared Winners.

The prestigious Award Ceremony was held at the Tower of London, United Kingdom. It welcomed over 80 guests worldwide and was hosted by acclaimed British television broadcaster, David Croft.

Global winners who proved excellence and impeccable branding in their industry include Yakult (Japan), Lurpak (Denmark), Sennheiser (Germany), Spotify (Sweden), BYD (China), and Heinz (United Kingdom).

National Tier winners include Absolut (Sweden), Airland (Hong Kong), Aurora (Thailand), Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan), Boots (United Kingdom), Café Amazon (Thailand), Farm Fresh (Malaysia), Flimty (Indonesia), GasKita (Indonesia), GIG (Kuwait), Natural Aqua Gel Cure (Japan), King Power (Thailand), Partners (Philippines), Rotiboy (Malaysia), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Sukiya (Japan), and VISTRA (Thailand), to name a few.

Just 20 brands were selected to receive the Regional tier award this year, including M-150 (Thailand), Tsui Wah (Hong Kong), Nippon Rent-A-Car (Japan), and MR DIY (Malaysia). These brands were voted as consumers' favourites in 4 or more countries across 3 or more areas in a specific geographic region.

“Winning the Brand of the Year, with 70% of the voting power in the hands of consumers, is a testament to a brand‘s ability to resonate with its audience. It’s recognition that a brand has not only met but exceeded its customers‘ expectations. It’s a badge of honour that signifies a brand's commitment to providing exceptional value, building trust, and creating lasting relationships,” said Mr Richard Rowles, Chairman of the World Branding Forum.

More than 100,000 consumers participated in the nomination process globally this year. On average, there are only 5 winning brands in each country, proving that winning a World Branding Award is a remarkable accomplishment.

For more information and the full list of winners, visit awards.brandingforum.org.


The World Branding Awards is the premier awards of the World Branding Forum, a registered non-profit organisation. The awards recognise the achievements of some of the world’s best brands.


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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241125724686/en/

Website: https://awards.brandingforum.org

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