Uniphore Joins the World Economic Forum’s Innovator Community

2024-11-27 16:15 PM

Uniphore, one of the world’s largest AI-native Enterprise class companies, announced that it has joined the World Economic Forum’s invite-only Innovator Community as a member of their Unicorn Community, which unites private start-up companies that are valued at more than $1 billion.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is the international institution for public-private cooperation, connecting communities of leaders around global issues. Its Innovator Communities are a group of the world’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups at the forefront of technological and business model innovation.

Beyond LLMs and silicon, the real impact of AI in enterprises is being realized by adoption of AI cloud platforms. With 1,500 enterprise customers across several industries, Uniphore is driving some of the biggest ROIs and business impacts in the enterprises globally.

Uniphore is contributing to WEF through its work with the AI Governance Alliance which brings together leading scientists, business leaders and policy makers with a focus on ensuring AI enhances human capabilities, fosters inclusive growth, and promotes global prosperity. Uniphore’s leadership participates in two key initiatives led by the Alliance, AI Transformation of Industries and Safe Systems and Technologies. As pioneers in Enterprise AI, Uniphore’s leaders are sharing insights and industry experience as the Alliance identifies strategic implications as well as opportunities and challenges presented by applied AI. This includes participation in developing and streamlining technical guardrails in response to rapidly advancing generative AI systems.

“This is an extraordinary time for technology, and the World Economic Forum is the epicenter where the world's brightest minds converge to tackle global challenges. It is critical for industry, international organizations and policy makers to work together as we define our path forward in the era of AI.” said Umesh Sachdev, CEO and Co-founder of Uniphore. “We are honored to contribute to the influential work of the World Economic Forum and be a part of the Innovator Community.”

“The World Economic Forum is pleased to welcome Uniphore to our Global Innovators Community,” said Verena Kuhn, Head of the Global Innovators Community, World Economic Forum. “We are especially looking forward to engaging Uniphore in the Forum’s AI Governance Alliance where their long experience in applied AI will be very valuable.”

Sachdev will participate in the upcoming WEF Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2025.

For more information on the Forum’s 2024 annual meeting, please visit: https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2025/

For more information, please contact: pr@uniphore.com

To stay up to date with the latest commentary, follow Uniphore’s blog, or connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, or Instagram.

About Uniphore

Uniphore is a leading B2B AI-native company with decades of proven success. Engineered for scalability and tailored for enterprise needs, we drive AI transformation that delivers real business impact across multiple industries and the largest global deployments. Our multimodal AI and data platform is at the heart of this transformation, enabling businesses to swiftly deploy AI agents. With our AI Engine Room, organizations can harness their data and create scalable, domain-specific AI models to democratize enterprise knowledge—all while ensuring security, sovereignty, and rapid value delivery. Today, Uniphore’s technology empowers over 750,000 end-users across 1,600 enterprises in 20 countries. Discover the unmatched capabilities of Uniphore—because there’s no AI like it™.

About the Forum

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241126483232/en/

Website: https://www.uniphore.com/

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