Regnology Acquires VERMEG’s RegTech Division - AGILE - to Solidify Position as Global Market Leader

2024-11-25 16:55 PM

Regnology, a leading software provider with a focus on regulatory reporting solutions, announced today the acquisition of VERMEG's regulatory reporting division - AGILE - which was previously part of the Lombard Risk portfolio. This strategic move underscores Regnology’s commitment to advancing regulatory reporting and solidifies its position as a global leader in end-to-end regulatory reporting solutions for large banks and other financial institutions seeking comprehensive and innovative offering from a single, trusted provider.

Through this acquisition, VERMEG’s robust regulatory reporting solution will be integrated into the Regnology Platform. The AGILE solution suite currently supports over 150 global and international banks spanning the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America. By incorporating this suite into its offerings, Regnology will enhance its ability to deliver flexible, end-to-end reporting solutions, ranging from comprehensive data management to report generation and submission, all powered by advanced cloud technology. This aligns with the company's goal to support the transition to granular data and improve automation and data flow across organizations.

This acquisition also expands further Regnology’s international footprint and local expertise. Following the recent acquisition of CG3-1, the combined offering will support both broker-dealer and bank reporting for all types and sizes of regulated financial entities from Tier 1 banks and broker-deals to local community banks in North America. Similarly, the combined company has significant APAC coverage and customer base that includes banks in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia together with a number of major regulators across the region.

Rob Mackay, Regnology CEO, commented: “This consolidation marks a pivotal moment in our swift growth trajectory. Regnology will now have a truly global footprint in regulatory reporting to match our global leadership in supervisory collections. This gives us the ability to connect regulators and regulated financial institutions across the globe. We will continue to invest in our technology and our people and leverage our new locations to transform legacy reporting processes, at scale, into an efficient communication network.”

Badreddine Ouali, VERMEG Founder and Co-CEO, stated: “By joining forces with Regnology, AGILE will benefit from a broader global platform and enhanced opportunities for growth and innovation. This strategic move allows VERMEG to concentrate on our core strengths in Collateral Management and Insurance, ensuring we continue to deliver exceptional value to our clients. We are confident that this partnership will drive long-term success for both our companies and our dedicated teams.”

Lutz Kregel, Managing Director, Nordic Capital Advisors, added: “When investing four years ago, Nordic Capital saw great opportunities to support Regnology in transforming the regulatory reporting industry. Since then, the Regnology team has been working diligently, driven by a forward-looking and innovative vision, to ready industry stakeholders for the future of financial regulation, prioritizing efficiency and stability. Together, we’re now reaching a new milestone by looking to creating this global game-changer in regulatory reporting. Nordic Capital is excited about Regnology’s continued journey.”

About Regnology

Regnology is a leading global provider of innovative solutions for supervisory, regulatory and tax reporting. Over 35,000 financial institutions, 70 regulators and tax authorities rely on our solutions to streamline their processes, enhance data quality, and improve efficiency. Building on our unified data ingestion model, Regnology is uniquely positioned to support regulators in data collection and supervisory processes, and the regulated across the full regulatory reporting value chain. Leveraging the expertise of 900+ employees in 16 countries, we help clients navigate the complexities of an ever-evolving, data-intensive regulatory landscape.

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Founded in 1993, VERMEG provides software solutions to over 500 blue-chip clients in more than 40 countries across the banking, insurance, and wealth management industries. The company’s high-quality platform offers best-in-class tools to automate processes and drive digitalization in financial services. Headquartered in Amsterdam with offices in 16 countries, VERMEG employs over 1,000 people worldwide. For more information, visit

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