Indigenomics NOW: World Indigenous Economic Forum Focused on Building an Economy with Life at the Center

2024-11-13 10:30 AM

On November 14th, 2024, the Indigenomics NOW forum is convening Indigenous business leadership, entrepreneurs, and allies from around the world in a virtual gathering that asks: How can we build economy with life at the center? Hosted by the Global Centre of Indigenomics, this inaugural 24-hour online global forum invites participants to join a transformative conversation that upholds Indigenous economic knowledge systems embedded in cultural values and Indigenous worldview.

As human and ecological challenges deepen worldwide, global Indigenous economic leadership offers a vital pathway to resilience and sustainable design. Indigenomics NOW is more than a forum; it’s a necessary shift toward an economic model that places people, community, and the planet at the heart of prosperity.

“Indigenomics NOW is an invitation to reimagine the economy,” says Carol Anne Hilton, founder of the Indigenomics movement. “Indigenous knowledge provides a roadmap for an economy that thrives on reciprocity, responsibility, sustainability, and interconnectedness. This event will showcase powerful Indigenous-led innovations for advancing sustainability across global economic challenges.”

Event Highlights:

· Global Indigenous Perspectives - A vast spectrum of Indigenous voices from Canada, the United States, Ecuador, Cameroon, South Africa, and New Zealand that will advance insights of building economies rooted in respect, sustainability, and cultural connection.
· Keynote Speakers - Carol Anne Hilton and Eli Enns on Indigenous generational leadership; Garry Oker on Indigenous-led economic design; Dr. Anthony Cole on digital transformation; and Glinis Buffalo and Helen Bobiwash on sustaining traditional values in business.
· Cultural Celebrations and Reflections - From Tanzanian performers to an Indigenous Moon Ceremony led by Andrea Menard, the event upholds Indigenous worldview as a core component of economic vitality.

Organized around the alignment of the natural world with 13 content streams inspired by natural systems such as 13 moons and 4 directions, Indigenomics NOW brings together critical perspectives including Indigenous economic sovereignty, sustainable business models, and Indigenous data sovereignty. Each session is a call to action, grounded in Indigenous values that prioritize long-term generational well-being, accountability and environmental stewardship.

About the Global Centre of Indigenomics

The Global Centre of Indigenomics champions Indigenous economic futures, advancing sustainability prosperity as essential to global success.

For more information about Indigenomics NOW on November 14, 2024, visit

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