Bureau Veritas Continues to Build Capabilities in the Energy and Renewables Sector Through the Acquisition of Versatec Energy B.V.

2024-11-12 16:33 PM

Bureau Veritas, a global leader in Testing, Inspection, and Certification services, today announced the acquisition of Versatec Energy B.V., an independent and specialized technical advisory company for the offshore and onshore energy industry. This acquisition is in line with the LEAP | 28 strategy to create a new stronghold in the fast-growing renewables segment, underscoring the Group’s commitment to the energy transition, and strengthening its position as a crucial player in shaping a sustainable and safe energy sector.

Bureau Veritas contributes to accelerating the energy transition by providing customers across the energy sector with end-to-end solutions to meet the immediate and future challenges of developing and operating renewables and other innovative low carbon assets. The acquisition of Versatec Energy B.V. is a strategic move strengthening Bureau Veritas’ position as a key partner in ensuring technical compliance and mitigating industrial risks in the energy sector. This acquisition enables Bureau Veritas to expand its service offering in crucial areas including oil & gas, nuclear, renewables, particularly offshore wind, as well as low carbon energy such as hydrogen, its derivatives & carbon capture, utilization & storage (CCUS).

Versatec Energy B.V. is a specialized technical consultancy with a special focus on the offshore energy industry. It capitalizes on over 40 years of expertise in five core areas: health, safety & environment; operational excellence, quality & technical compliance, technical documentation & training, as well as digitalsmart solutions. Versatec Energy B.V. experts have developed valuable methodologies in the areas of Commissioning & Start-up, Asset Due Diligence, Operational Assurance & Readiness and Project Management. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company employs 35 highly skilled experts and consultants and delivered revenues of €4.2 million in 2023. Since its inception, Versatec Energy B.V. has assisted over 1,500 global projects in Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.

Hinda Gharbi, Chief Executive Officer of Bureau Veritas, comments: “The acquisition of Versatec Energy B.V. expands our capabilities in the renewables and energy sectors with a proven track record in asset due diligence, commissioning, start-up and project management, and a special focus on the offshore energy industry. Their expertise will help build our new stronghold in the sector. I warmly welcome all new colleagues from Versatec Energy to our company.”

Klaas-Otto Ykema, CEO of Versatec Energy, adds: “Having spent two decades in and around Offshore Energy, I have always admired Bureau Veritas’ diverse skills across testing, inspection and certification. Joining forces will allow to further expand a business with scale, ambition and a global client book thanks to our unique skills and talents developed over the last 40 years across all parts of the energy sector.”

About Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas is a world leader in inspection, certification, and laboratory testing services with a powerful purpose: to shape a world of trust by ensuring responsible progress.

With a vision to be the preferred partner for its customers’ excellence and sustainability, the company innovates to help them navigate change.

Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas’ 83,000 employees deliver services in 140 countries. The company’s technical experts support customers to address challenges in quality, health and safety, environmental protection, and sustainability.

Bureau Veritas is listed on Euronext Paris and belongs to the CAC 40 ESG, CAC Next 20, SBF 120 indices and is part of the CAC SBT 1.5° index. Compartment A, ISIN code FR 0006174348, stock symbol: BVI.

For more information, visit www.bureauveritas.com, and follow us on LinkedIn.

About Versatec Energy B.V.

Versatec Energy is a global technical consultancy company serving the Energy Industry ranging from Renewables, Offshore Wind & Carbon Capture Storage & Utilization (CCSU). Food & Pharma, Marine, Power, Petrochemical to the Oil & Gas Industries. For more than 40 years Versatec has provided expertise in all phases of a facility lifecycle. Versatec’s flexible, innovative solutions aim to reduce project and operational risks, as well as reduce operational cost. Versatec helps in mitigating industrial risks and offers technical expertise to projects worldwide in the areas of Process Technical Safety, Operational Excellence and Smart Data Software Solutions and aims to be the Partner in Technical Compliance for its clients.

For more information, visit https://versatec.nl/, and follow us on Linkedin.

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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241111646650/en/

Website: https://group.bureauveritas.com/

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