Copeland Appoints New Leader for Asia-Pacific Business Group

2024-11-05 10:20 AM

Copeland, a global provider of sustainable climate solutions, announced that Michael Toh has joined the company as president of its Asia-Pacific regional business unit. Copeland is a standalone portfolio company of Blackstone, the world’s largest alternative asset manager, within its Capital Partners Fund XIII.

“Michael’s deep knowledge of the HVAC industry combined with his extensive Asia-wide leadership experience make him an ideal leader for our Asia Pacific business,” said Copeland's Chief Executive Officer Ross B. Shuster. “His proven ability to grow businesses, coupled with his strategic approach to innovation, are well aligned with our strategic direction as we continue to expand our presence in the HVAC, cold chain and industrial industries across the Asia Pacific region.”

With over 20 years of experience in HVAC and related industries, Toh has a proven track record of driving growth and profitability in dynamic market conditions. Prior to joining Copeland, Toh led Georg Fischer’s Asia Pacific operations. He led Honeywell Building Solutions‘ Asia Pacific Sales team, and held numerous leadership positions in Johnson Controls’ Singapore, Malaysia, and China operations. Toh also held significant governance and oversight responsibilities as the vice-chairman of the board of Chinaust Group, a joint venture with a listed state-owned enterprise in China and has served as a member of the Global Executive Management team for Piping Systems.

“I’m excited to join Copeland and look forward to driving growth and innovation in this dynamic region,” said Toh. “Copeland is well positioned to help solve some of the world’s most complex climate challenges by enabling the energy transition, accelerating the transition to low global warming potential and natural refrigerants and safeguarding perishable food and critical medicines throughout the cold chain.”

Toh’s appointment is another step forward for Copeland after becoming a standalone company in 2023. The company continues to build and strengthen its leadership team and execute on its growth strategies with a focus on customers, innovation and sustainability.

Learn more about Copeland’s sustainable solutions at

About Copeland

Copeland is a global leader in sustainable heating, cooling, cold chain and industrial solutions. We help commercial, industrial, refrigeration and residential customers reduce their carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency. We address issues like climate change, growing populations, electricity demands and complex global supply chains with innovations that advance the energy transition, accelerate the adoption of climate friendly low GWP (Global Warming Potential) and natural refrigerants, and safeguard the world's most critical goods through an efficient and sustainable cold chain. We have over 18,000 employees, with feet on the ground in more than 40 countries - a global presence that makes it possible to serve customers wherever they are in the world and meet challenges with scale and speed. Our industry-leading brands and diversified portfolio deliver innovation and technology proven in over 200 million installations worldwide. Together, we create sustainable solutions that improve lives and protect the planet today and for future generations. For more information, visit

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