Burger King® Japan Announces the Japan-exclusive Release of the World-shocking Burger, the “Kyoto Whopper®”!

2024-11-03 10:55 AM

BK Japan Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Kazuhiro Nomura) will release a limited-time Japan-exclusive burger, the “KYOTO Whopper®,” starting Friday, November 1, 2024. This unique burger was co-developed with Kyoto’s renowned rice vendor, Hachidaime Gihey Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto; President: Gihey Hashimoto). The burger features a specially crafted rice patty and 100% flame-grilled beef patty, topped with a “special Japanese-style ginger sauce” consisting of “dashi soy sauce” infused with the umami of four types of dashi, and enhanced with four Japanese spices.

“KYOTO Whopper®” special site URL: https://app.burgerking.co.jp/bkad/kyotowhopper/index.html

The collaboration between Burger King® Japan and Kyoto’s long-established rice vendor, Hachidaime Gihey, has led to the creation of the “KYOTO Whopper®”—a burger that will astonish the world. This unique burger combines a flame-grilled 100% beef patty with a newly innovated “special rice patty,” embodying the commitment to tradition, flavor, and expert craftsmanship from both parties.

The “KYOTO Whopper®” features a flame-grilled 100% beef patty topped with a newly innovated “special rice patty,” made from a blend of 2024 harvested white rice and Kin no Ibuki (brown rice) just for the “KYOTO Whopper®”, along with fresh lettuce, tomato, and onion. It is finished with a “special Japanese-style ginger sauce” consisting of “dashi soy sauce” which holds the rich umami of four types of dashi (bonito, mackerel shavings, shiitake mushrooms, and kelp) and infused with four traditional Japanese spices (roasted chili pepper, Japanese pepper, ginger, and dried citrus peel.) This burger brings together tradition, flavor, and expert craftsmanship, allowing you to fully enjoy the delicious combination of meat and rice.

We invite everyone in Japan, as well as visitors from around the world, to experience the “KYOTO Whopper®”—a Japan-exclusive burger created through the collaboration between Burger King® Japan and Kyoto’s renowned rice vendor, Hachidaime Gihey. This burger is sure to amaze people worldwide!

Product overview
Product Name: KYOTO Whopper®
Release Date: Friday, November 1, 2024
Price: ¥990 À la carte, ¥1,290 Meal
*Only available in Burger King restaurants in Japan.

Founded in 1954, the Burger King® brand is a global fast-food hamburger chain known for food quality and value as the only place guests can get the iconic flame-grilled Whopper® sandwich. The Burger King system operates more than 19,000 locations in more than 100 countries. Almost 100 percent of Burger King restaurants are owned and operated by independent franchisees, many of them family-owned operations that have been in business for decades. Burger King is a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands International Inc. (“RBI”), one of the world‘s largest quick service restaurant companies with over $40 billion in annual system-wide sales and over 30,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. RBI owns four of the world’s most prominent and iconic quick service restaurant brands - BURGER KING®, TIM HORTONS®, POPEYES®, and FIREHOUSE SUBS®.

In Japan, BK Japan Holdings is in charge of domestic marketing and store management, handling operations such as new franchisee training, menu development, and sales strategy, as well as store development and new restaurant openings.

BK Japan Holdings company overview
BK Japan Holdings
Address: Kyodo Building Ichibancho 3F, 16-1 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
URL: https://www.burgerking.co.jp

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241030411532/en/

Website: https://www.burgerking.co.jp/#/home

함께 보면 좋은 콘텐츠

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