EGGDROP Draws Attention for Production Support of Global Hit Series ‘Love Next Door’ and ‘Romance in the House’

2024-10-29 16:30 PM

Golden Hind Co., Ltd. (CEO Young-woo Noh), the F&B company behind the premium Korean egg sandwich brand EGGDROP, has garnered significant attention for its production support of the tvN romantic comedy drama series ‘Love Next Door’ and the JTBC family drama series ‘Romance in the House.’

‘Love Next Door’ broke into the top 5 of Netflix‘s global non-English TV series within its first week of release and secured a spot in the TOP 10 across 75 countries, including the U.S., U.K., and France. Additionally, ’Romance in the House‘ achieved the top position in Netflix’s global TOP 10 TV (non-English) category just two weeks after its release. Both dramas, continued this trend elsewhere, including in South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, contributing to the ongoing popularity of K-dramas.

EGGDROP‘s brand philosophy is rooted in a healthy and satisfying meal, which is effectively conveyed through the warm and soft egg sandwiches naturally integrated into the everyday scenes of these dramas. The brand’s message, “EGG MAKES BETTER,” has seamlessly communicated to viewers worldwide. Hundo Lee, an EGGDROP representative stated, “We are delighted that the two dramas we supported have achieved great success in the global market. It is gratifying to see that the brand values EGGDROP embodies are being well-received by global consumers.” He added, "We are committed to meeting the expectations of global consumers, with plans to enter in the Philippines, Japan, Singapore, and the U.S. this year.

EGGDROP plans to continue supporting productions to enhance brand recognition in the global market and aims to grow as an international brand through collaborations with various cultural content.


Egg Makes Better. Inspired by the complete nutrition of eggs, EGGDROP Corp. operates the premium egg sandwich brand EGGDROP, positioning itself as a young and innovative food venture in the restaurant franchise industry.

Currently, EGGDROP Corp.’s core brand, EGGDROP, delivers healthy meals using Grade A eggs and fresh ingredients and actively incubates other diverse brands. EGGDROP’s brands are available across various channels, from department stores to stand-alone stores, offering a delightful experience combining taste and health in everyday life.

EGGDROP Franchise Process:


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