CAI Appoints Sheena Dempsey as Chief Executive Officer

2024-10-03 11:30 AM

AI, a global professional services firm and trailblazer in operational readiness and excellence, today announced Sheena Dempsey as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Dempsey is a widely respected and highly accomplished C-Suite executive with more than 25 years of expertise in global business transformation, sales and operations, P&L management and creating and nurturing high performing teams. In this role, she will lead CAI as a global partner in its ongoing commitment to ensuring client operational readiness through innovative methodologies and technology.

Dempsey was selected after a multi-round and rigorous process, and beginning November 1, she will work transitionally with CAI’s most recent CEO, Mike Martin, and will assume full duties and responsibilities on January 1, 2025.

Previous to CAI, Dempsey, a dual U.S. and Irish citizen, held executive roles at innovative international companies such as Indivi, Syneos Health, RWS Life Sciences, and Lionbridge.

“Through decades of impressive service, Sheena has honed her expertise through broad exposure to and leading roles in life sciences, technology and professional services. Her vast accomplishments will position her perfectly as CAI further cements its position as the leader in promoting its customers’ operational readiness and doing whatever necessary for them to retain a competitive edge,” said Bob Chew, CAI Chairman of the Board.

“I am absolutely thrilled to be joining CAI. As a prestigious company renowned for its commitment to excellence and innovation, I deeply admire the company’s passion for earning the trust of its customers around the world. I am eager to work with CAI’s stellar group of experts and look forward to contributing my expertise alongside theirs,” Dempsey said.

About CAI

CAI is a global professional services firm composed of engineering, quality and operations experts who exist to accelerate operational readiness and excellence in critical environments. Our elite expertise combines top-tier talent with the latest technology, and our approach, processes, and attention to detail mean we deliver projects on time and within budget. For CAI, operational readiness is more than a short-term goal. CAI wants to lead the industry, building the future through continuous improvement, real connections, and the highest standards.

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