ASIABNC Signs Underwriting Agreement for KOSDAQ Listing

2024-09-20 17:11 PM

ASIABNC, a global distribution company, has selected Shinhan Investment & Securities as its chief organizer and NH Investment & Securities as co-organizers to facilitate its listing on the KOSDAQ. On August 16th, the company signed a listing management contract at the headquarters of Shinhan Investment & Securities in Yeouido, Seoul.

In the first half of this year, K-beauty-related stocks, such as Silicon 2 Co. Ltd., have recorded high stock prices. The market’s attention is now focused on ASIABNC’s initial public offering (IPO), as the company is responsible for cosmetics exports and marketing.

Founded in 2016, ASIABNC is a distribution company that exports K-beauty brand products, including ‘rom&nd’, ‘nuse’, ‘S.NATURE’ and ‘ongredients’ to approximately 60 countries worldwide. By leveraging various distribution networks and its accumulated global distribution and marketing capabilities, it has achieved stable export performance, targeting not only major Asian markets such as Japan, China, and Vietnam but also regions in the Americas and Europe.

In particular, ASIABNC is an overseas distributor for the makeup brand ‘rom&nd’ and has maintained a close partnership since the brand’s launch. Through active sales and marketing efforts, it has significantly contributed to the growth of as a global brand by continuously expanding the number of export countries and entry channels.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, as contactless consumption increased and the global e-commerce market expanded, the company quickly adapted by boosting its revenue share through global e-commerce channels such as Amazon, Qoo10, and Tmall.

Recently, it has been accelerating its export performance by expanding its global market base and collaborating with both domestic and international high-demand brands, including S.NATURE, BEAUTY OF JOSEON, and LG Household & Health Care.

ASIABNC achieved record-breaking performance last year by implementing trendy marketing strategies, including the expansion of global e-commerce operations, utilizing TikTok for marketing, and conducting both online and offline promotions optimized for local markets.

In 2023, sales were 74.1 billion KRW, marking an 82% increase, with operating profit up by 28% compared to 2022. Sales in the first half of 2024 reached 60 billion KRW, reflecting a year-over-year increase of 103%, and already achieving 80% of last year’s total sales. Additionally, the operating profit ratio has continued to exceed 10%. The company is on track to reach its target sales of 120 billion KRW by maintaining profitability-based growth in the second half of the year.

ASIABNC has launched and is currently operating the hair and body care brand ‘odiD’, available at OLIVE YOUNG, as well as the rice-based food brand ‘LALA Cook’. The company’s strategy goes beyond mere distribution; it aims to establish itself as a global consumer goods company that encompasses the entire K-lifestyle sector.

Based on its growth potential, ASIABNC is actively pursuing an initial public offering (IPO) and plans to enhance its competitiveness in the global market through this listing.

Hwang Jong-Seo, CEO of ASIABNC, stated, “We have maintained strong growth by increasing brand awareness through global e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Shopee, and by building a robust sales network with local partners.”

He added, “Following the establishment of our subsidiaries in China, the Philippines, and Japan, we will actively pursue the creation of subsidiaries in the U.S., Hong Kong, and Europe to grow as a leading global K-brand company by enhancing our local sales capabilities.”


Since its establishment in 2016, ASIABNC has been a distribution company that exports K-beauty brand products, including ‘rom&nd’, ‘nuse’, ‘S.NATURE’, and ‘ongredients’, to approximately 60 countries worldwide. Leveraging diverse distribution networks and extensive global distribution and marketing expertise, the company has achieved consistent export performance by targeting not only major Asian markets such as Japan, China, and Vietnam but also regions in the Americas and Europe.


함께 보면 좋은 콘텐츠

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