Dine Brands Expands Global Footprint With New Deals and First Dual-Branded Applebee’s® and IHOP® Location in Honduras

2024-09-11 10:20 AM

Dine Brands International, an affiliate of Dine Brands Global, Inc., the parent company of Applebee’s®, IHOP®, and Fuzzy’s Taco Shop® restaurants, is further expanding its global footprint and unique dual-branded Applebee’s and IHOP concept to new international markets. Through a multi-unit development agreement with franchisee BLT Global Brands, the first dual-branded restaurant in San Pedro Sula, Honduras is planned to open on September 16, 2024.

Dine Brands‘ entry into Honduras marks a significant milestone in the company’s international expansion strategy. This new location showcases the innovative dual-branded restaurant concept, which presents guests with two distinct IHOP and Applebee’s branded dining areas to choose from, while providing efficiencies in prototype design and operating model for franchisees. The unique dining experience allows guests to enjoy the best of both beloved brands, from IHOP‘s world-famous breakfast offerings to Applebee’s diverse menu of casual dining favorites.

“We’re excited to bring IHOP and Applebee’s to Honduras. The country’s vibrant culture and growing economy make it an ideal location for this dual-branded concept, offering a unique blend of comfort and quality in a lively and inviting dining atmosphere,” said Thomas Christopher Talarico, CEO of BLT Global Brands.

“I am incredibly proud of the progress we are making to connect with and to expand to new guests around the world with the support of our franchisees,” added Scott Gladstone, Chief Development Officer, and President, International at Dine Brands Global. “By leveraging IHOP’s morning popularity and Applebee’s evening appeal, we can cover all day parts and bring delicious and memorable dining experiences with world-class service to guests every day. So far, we have been pleased with the improved overall performance and returns of our dual-branded restaurants.”

With this opening, the total number of international dual-branded restaurants will reach 13 locations across 7 markets: Mexico, Canada, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Peru and Honduras. Leveraging this innovative concept, Dine Brands International has recently secured agreements to develop at least 21 new locations, 13 of which will be dual-branded, in various international markets. These commitments represent both conversions of existing single-branded restaurants as well as new restaurants in both traditional and non-traditional channels, including airports and travel centers.

Dine Brands is seeking qualified Master Franchisees and Developers across select markets in Asia, including South Korea and Japan; select markets in Europe, including Spain; Brazil; and select territories in Mexico and Canada. For franchising opportunities, please visit https://franchise.ihop.com/en/applebees-co-branded-franchising.

About Dine Brands Global, Inc.

Based in Pasadena, California, Dine Brands Global, Inc. (NYSE: DIN), through its subsidiaries and franchisees, supports and operates restaurants under the Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill + Bar®, IHOP®, and Fuzzy’s Taco Shop® brands. As of June 30, 2024, these three brands consisted of close to 3,600 restaurants across 18 international markets. Dine Brands is one of the largest full-service restaurant companies in the world and in 2022 expanded into the Fast Casual segment. For more information on Dine Brands, visit the company’s website located at www.dinebrands.com.


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240909342681/en/

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