Abu Dhabi Set to Host AIM Congress 2025, Featuring Over 25,000 Participants From 180 Countries

2024-09-06 09:50 AM

AIM Congress, the world’s premier investment platform, is set to convene in Abu Dhabi from April 7-9, 2025, under the theme “Mapping the Future of Global Investment: The New Wave of a Globalized Investment Landscape- Towards a New Balanced World Structure”.

AIM 2025 will bring together industry leaders, government officials, policymakers, senior regional and international investors, as well as prominent international companies and organizations from various sectors. It will explore the latest trends, developments and opportunities shaping the global investment landscape, focusing on addressing current and future challenges and mobilizing efforts to forge innovative solutions, with the goal of fostering a prosperous and sustainable global economy.

HE Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade and President of AIM Congress, emphasized the significance of this gathering, stating, “AIM Congress 2025 is an opportunity to reaffirm the UAE’s unwavering commitment to leading global efforts in addressing the pressing economic challenges of our time. As the world navigates profound economic shifts, AIM will provide a crucial platform for the international community to come together, devise innovative investment strategies, and build a framework that ensures sustainable and inclusive growth for all.”

To accommodate the increased number of events, activities and exhibitors, the exhibition area will be doubled to over 30,000 m2. The event will host more than 25,000 distinguished participants from 180 countries, with over 1,000 speakers expected to engage in more than 350 panel discussions. To register your interest, kindly visit: www.aimcongress.com.

AIM Congress 2025 will feature events, forums, dialogue sessions, workshops, high-level meetings, the AIM Investment Awards and Exhibition, a startups competition, and showcases of country-specific investment opportunities. With two additional portfolios, AIM 2025 will tackle eight key portfolios, including Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Global Trade, Startups & Unicorns, Future Cities, Future Finance, Global Manufacturing, Digital Economy, and Entrepreneurs.

Dawood Al Shezawi, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of AIM Congress, emphasized the event’s ongoing success and increasing participation, noting that the Organising Committee is dedicated to organizing a bigger and more impactful edition to further shape a more prosperous and inclusive global economy.

For more information, click here

Source: AETOSWire

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240904975010/en/

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