Global ESG Leading Solution, i-ESG Hosts ‘Climate Action Seminar’ to Inspire Next Young Leaders towards Environmental Responsibility

2024-12-12 14:28 PM

i-ESG, a leading provider of AI/Big data-driven ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) solutions, successfully concluded its second annual Climate Action Seminar for university students. The event, held in Seoul, underscores i-ESG's dedication to addressing the global climate crisis and fostering corporate social responsibility.

Approximately 45 participants, including members of the United Nations Students Association (UNSA) and climate-focused university clubs from across South Korea, joined the four-hour seminar. Registration for the event closed within three days, highlighting the strong interest among students eager to engage in climate-related education.

The seminar offered an immersive, hands-on experience, equipping participants with tools and strategies to address climate change effectively. The seminar included the use of the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator, developed by MIT and Climate Interactive, to help students better understand practical approaches to addressing global temperature challenges. This evidence-based approach emphasized not only awareness but also the behavioral shifts necessary for meaningful climate action. Certificates of participation were presented to attendees upon completion.

“This seminar holds special significance, coinciding with the final day of the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29),” said Jongwoong Kim, CEO of i-ESG. “At i-ESG, we are steadfast in our commitment to sustainability, embedding it as a core value of our company while driving impactful initiatives that promote ESG principles.”

i-ESG continues to lead by example in advancing ESG values, backed by its dedicated ESG branding team and a new corporate motto, “For All Actions Sustainable.” Through initiatives like the Climate Action Seminar, i-ESG aims to inspire the next generation of changemakers and reinforce its role as a global ESG leader.

For more information about i-ESG and its initiatives, visit

About i-ESG

i-ESG is a data-driven digital solution provider specializing in the ESG sector. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as big data analytics, AI algorithms, and blockchain, we deliver practical ESG management support tailored to the needs of businesses.


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