Andersen Global Extends Philippines Coverage with Gravitas Prime

2024-12-05 14:00 PM

Andersen Global initiates further expansion in Asia Pacific through a Collaboration Agreement with Gravitas Prime, a mergers and acquisitions firm in the Philippines.

Founded in 2005 by Chairman Emeritus, Ed David, Gravitas Prime offers a comprehensive suite of services, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate strategy, business valuation, estate planning, and capital raising. The firm drives strategic initiatives for a diverse client base, with specialized expertise in consumer, retail, food and beverage, QSR, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, hospitality, energy, and renewables. Gravitas Prime has built strong relationships with a wide range of strategic investors, including family offices, leading conglomerates, and private equity firms.

“Our firm has always been focused on enhancing value, driving growth, and identifying opportunities for our clients,” said Ed. “This collaboration with Andersen Global deepens our reach and allows us to continue delivering high-quality, multidisciplinary services that align with our evolving client needs and global objectives.”

Global Chairman and CEO of Andersen Mark L. Vorsatz said, “Gravitas Prime’s management team draws on more than 50 years of investment experience and deep expertise in the Philippines market to help clients navigate the complexities of corporate finance and strategic decision-making. This collaboration marks another important step in expanding our multidisciplinary service model across the Asia Pacific region.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax, legal, and valuation professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 18,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 500 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.

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