Andersen Advances Global Valuation Practice in 10 Asia Pacific Countries

2024-11-22 15:00 PM

Andersen, the fastest-growing independent, multidisciplinary professional services firm in the world, continues to broaden its global valuation practice and deepen its ties in Asia Pacific through the addition of collaborating firms in Australia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Following the firm’s expansion in Europe, Latin America, and Africa earlier this year, Andersen now has valuation capabilities in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Andersen’s global valuation team works with companies, funds, high-net-worth individuals, and family offices to provide valuations of businesses, tangible and intangible assets, and complex securities for tax, financial reporting, and transaction advisory purposes. Andersen clients span a range of industries with diverse valuation needs around the globe.

“We’ve been strategically adding valuation groups in the past year and the Asia Pacific region presents incredible opportunities for growth and innovation,” said Mark L. Vorsatz, global chairman and CEO of Andersen. “These new firm additions are testament to our continued commitment to providing clients with access to integrated, seamless solutions on an unmatched global platform.”

· Australis Asset Advisory Group (Australia) - Australis Asset Advisory Group works closely with large Australian businesses and governments to deliver comprehensive services in financial reporting, strategic asset management, strategic valuation advisory, and insurance valuation.
· AVISTA Group (China) - AVISTA Group, a professional advisory firm in China, works with clients across a range of industries to deliver services in valuation advisory, risk management, ESG, corporate advisory, and property advisory.
· KJPP FAST & Partners (Indonesia) - KJPP FAST & Partners provides comprehensive property and business valuation services across all sectors, specializing in M&A, joint ventures, insurance, finance, collateral, sale and purchase, taxation, and stock exchange listings.
· Irhamy Valuers International (Malaysia) - Founded in 1999, Irhamy Valuers International delivers customized valuation services, including business and intangible asset appraisals, for domestic and international clients needing assistance with mergers and acquisitions, tax compliance, financial reporting, bankruptcy, litigation and dispute resolution, and strategic planning.
· Aviso Valuation & Advisory (Philippines) - Aviso Valuation & Advisory is one of the leading real estate and business advisory firms in the Philippines, specializing in valuation and advisory services for diverse industries including real estate, manufacturing, tourism, transportation, and infrastructure.
· Lim and Young (Singapore) - Lim & Young Appraisal is a Singapore based valuation firm providing valuation services for financial reporting, fund NAV reporting, transactions, and Singapore court proceedings.
· Forest Accounting Corporation (South Korea) - Forest Accounting Corporation works closely with clients across a variety of sectors, including media and telecommunications, technology, entertainment, manufacturing, consumer and e-commerce, healthcare, and financial services.
· Diwan Financial Advisory Services (Taiwan) - Based in Taipei, Diwan Financial Advisory Services delivers customized solutions including mergers and acquisitions, business advisory, financial and tax due diligence, fundraising, and valuation services.
· 15 Business Advisory (Thailand) - Operating in Thailand and internationally, 15 Business Advisory has provided a suite of financial advisory services, including asset appraisal, business valuation, and real estate advisory, to domestic and international clients for over 20 years.
· VietTin Valuation (Vietnam) - VietTin Valuation offers comprehensive valuation services, including asset valuation, business appraisal, and investment analysis, tailored to meet diverse client needs in various sectors.

“As valuation needs continue to become more complex, the addition of these groups brings further depth and breadth to our global practice,” said Sid Luckenbach, managing director of Andersen’s global valuation practice. “Our valuation professionals share a passion for stewardship and leverage market insights to deliver integrated solutions to clients.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax, legal, and valuation professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 18,000 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 500 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.

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