The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center Announces First Live Virtual Course Offered Globally

2024-11-20 11:30 AM

The first live virtual course studying the processes and philosophies of The Ritz-Carlton Brand will be presented by The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center for a global audience in January 2025, announced Amanda Joiner, Global Vice President of the consulting and advisory firm. “Best Practices and Foundations of Our Brand” equips participants with actionable takeaways to create exceptional customer and employee experiences and achieve business results for their organizations.

“We appreciate the loyalty shown to The Ritz-Carlton Brand and the interest in the systems that inspired customers worldwide and created the company’s reputation for iconic service excellence,” said Ms. Joiner. “We are pleased to offer this live virtual experience in opportune time zones accessible to a wider audience.”

In this interactive experience, Ritz-Carlton facilitators will include firsthand experiences and engaging presentations in three modules:

· Module One explores the culture of The Ritz-Carlton Brand and the legendary Gold Standards.
· Module Two equips leaders with the tools to identify and inspire top talent, build high-performing teams, and achieve organizational goals.
· Module Three focuses on fulfilling unexpressed wishes and needs and creating personalized experiences that surprise and delight customers.

The course is intended for senior executives; senior managers guiding career development of professionals providing the customer experience; and technical experts managing customer service and human resource teams that have firsthand customer interaction.

For course details, cost and enrollment, visit Global Virtual Course.

About The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center

The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center (TRCLC) is a global consulting and advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations create exceptional employee and customer experiences that drive competitive advantage. An extension of The Ritz-Carlton Brand, TRCLC leverages methodologies and best practices to unlock a sustainable business transformation founded on a culture of excellence. With onsite and virtual solutions ranging from immersive courses and interactive workshops to strategic advisory offerings, thousands of clients have engaged TRCLC as a trusted source to refine service excellence and deliver some of the biggest launches, innovations, and transformations across industries worldwide. Visit for information and join the conversation on LinkedIn.

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