Brightcove Sets a New Standard for Video Marketing Measurement With the Launch of ‘Marketing Insights’

2024-11-08 09:55 AM

Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV), the world’s most trusted streaming technology company, today announced the launch of Marketing Insights, a new offering within the company’s video insights and analytics platform. Marketing Insights provides advanced insights and robust video campaign measurement data so marketers can optimize their content marketing strategies by directly measuring the business impact of video content.

“Video continues to be one of the most powerful ways to engage audiences, yet measuring its impact on business outcomes has long been a challenge. With the launch of our new Marketing Insights offering, we’re further empowering marketers to gain deeper visibility into the performance of their video campaigns and their broader marketing strategies,” said Kathy Klingler, Chief Marketing Officer at Brightcove. “As a data-driven marketer, I’m excited about how these new capabilities will help brands connect the dots between campaign performance and real business value. This solution is a game-changer for any marketer looking to drive measurable impact.”

Marketing Insights allows marketers to track data from inbound traffic to their videos capturing viewer origins through UTM parameters and analyzing which campaigns are driving video views and conversion. It offers detailed insights into the effectiveness of video content and viewer engagement, watch time, and which sources drive qualified audiences.

Brightcove has one of the most extensive partner networks, enabling integration with all leading marketing automation platforms (MAPs) and providing a detailed analysis of viewer interactions and the success of various marketing sources. This link between content performance and marketing efforts allows for improved strategy refinement and more intelligent decisions about where to allocate resources.

“We’ve transformed the traditional concept of UTM links, a tool marketers have relied on for years, by integrating it directly into our video player,” said Scott Levine, Chief Product Officer at Brightcove. “This allows us to capture detailed video traffic source data and seamlessly incorporate it into our platform to show ROI from traffic attribution and inbound marketing. By providing actionable insights, we’re helping our customers understand what drives audience engagement and how to optimize their marketing strategies. This integration simplifies campaign optimization and budget planning, making it faster and more efficient than ever.”

Marketing Insights is the latest addition to Brightcove’s suite of AI-powered solutions, joining the company’s Brightcove Audience Insights™ solution, which currently offers Media and Ad Insights for media companies and Publisher Insights for publishing companies. Brightcove’s Marketing Insights is purpose-built to address the unique needs of marketers across industries. By going beyond traditional metrics, it provides tailored, actionable data that empowers marketing professionals to drive more effective, data-informed decisions.

Marketing Insights is available as part of the Marketing Studio premium package. For more information about how Brightcove can supercharge your marketing efforts, visit

About Brightcove Inc.

Brightcove creates the world’s most reliable, scalable, and secure streaming technology solutions to build a greater connection between companies and their audiences, no matter where they are or on which devices they consume content. In more than 60 countries, Brightcove’s intelligent video platform enables businesses to sell to customers more effectively, media leaders to stream and monetize content more reliably, and every organization to communicate with team members more powerfully. With two Technology and Engineering Emmy® Awards for innovation, uptime that consistently leads the industry, and unmatched scalability, we continuously push the boundaries of what video can do. Follow Brightcove on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and YouTube. Visit

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