ITRS Appoints Ryan Terpstra as CEO

2024-11-05 16:05 PM

ITRS, the leading provider of real-time IT monitoring and observability solutions, today announces the appointment of Ryan Terpstra as CEO. Terpstra succeeds Guy Warren, who has decided to step down from executive roles to spend more time with his family, after successfully leading the company for over a decade.

Terpstra brings more than two decades of C-level experience leading and growing technology companies, spanning venture-backed startups, middle-market private equity-backed firms, and global public corporations. Most recently, he was Chief Product Officer at ION Analytics, an ION Group division formed through the integration of Dealogic, Acuris, Backstop Solutions Group, and Selerity.

Terpstra joined ION Group after it acquired Selerity, where he was Founder and CEO for over 10 years. During his time at Selerity and ION Group, Terpstra specialised in building and commercialising cutting-edge AI-enabled products, making him ideally placed to grow and innovate ITRS’s existing set of AIOps capabilities.

With Terpstra at the helm, ITRS is poised to continue strengthening its offering to new and existing clients through further product innovation and targeted M&A. Terpstra is backed by ITRS’s shareholders alongside Montagu and TA Associates, who remain committed to supporting the company’s growth over the coming years.

Commenting on his appointment, Terpstra said: “I’m thrilled to be joining a world-class organisation like ITRS. Our clients are sophisticated and demanding, and operate some of the most critical IT infrastructure underpinning the global economy. Being trusted by thousands of customers worldwide across many industries means we have a vital role in ensuring this economy is always on.”

“Backing from some of the world’s leading growth investors, combined with the hugely talented professionals at ITRS, puts us in a great position to continue delivering on our mission.”

Since joining ITRS as CEO in 2014, Guy Warren has transformed the business into a $100m revenue platform and expanded the company’s global footprint. He remains a significant individual shareholder and will continue to support the business in an advisory capacity.

Reflecting on his time at ITRS, Warren said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed building ITRS into the business it is today. My thanks go to all my colleagues, the investors who backed us, and the customers who have shown us strong loyalty. I know that ITRS is in safe hands as Ryan takes over.”

Terpstra added: “I want to thank Guy for his leadership and dedication to scaling ITRS into the successful company it has become. I’m honored to have the opportunity to continue his legacy and lead ITRS through its exciting next chapter of growth.”

About ITRS

ITRS delivers IT observability with a purpose. We provide AI-powered observability and monitoring solutions for mission-critical IT applications, infrastructure, and web services in industries where every second lost impacts business performance. As the leading provider of real-time actionable insights, we enable meaningful decision making by contextualizing large volumes of data from the broadest range of technologies — from on-prem to the cloud and everything in between. We drive business resilience, performance, and agility for the most demanding industries, guaranteeing customers can run seamless, always-on operations and drive business transformation.

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