NIQ Launches Marketing Mix Modeling Solutions, Expanding its Media Division

2024-10-23 15:35 PM

NIQ, the world’s leading global consumer intelligence company, today announced the launch of Marketing Mix Modelling solutions (MMM), helping global clients streamline their marketing investments and effectiveness. This is part of the global expansion of NIQ’s media division, underscoring NIQ’s continued commitment to providing clients the Full View™ and strengthening their marketing capabilities. With global coverage across 75+ countries, NIQ’s MMM is grounded in the reliability of its proprietary store level data, powered by 100 years of industry and analytical expertise.

In just a couple of months of expanding the business, NIQ’s MMM has live programs with 30+ clients across diverse verticals globally - retailers, publishers, and manufacturers from Fortune 500 companies.

Unlocking ROI Growth with proven methods and best in class solutions:

· NIQ provides the Full View™: Global data coverage, powered by store level point of sale and digital media data assets for precise and actionable insights.
· Seamless media integration: Data integration via privacy safe partnerships with leading publishers and direct data pipelines.
· Marketing expertise meets consultative excellence:
- Global and local footprint of category experts and marketing science teams.
- Unique granular data models which help optimize Below the Line (BTL) and Above the Line (ATL) impact accurately.
- Modules to measure short-term and long-term total impact of Media and Halo effect across the portfolio.
- Measure sales lift from specific media campaigns and geographies to quantify performance.
- A forward-looking cloud-based application enabling scenarios and optimization for Media planning.

“We are excited about this expansion as we continue to make investments in our Media division. NIQ has a legacy of providing best-in-class marketing and analytic solutions for over 100 years, fueled by our superior global data, expert teams and deep knowledge of our clients’ brands. We have successfully forged deep partnerships with leading publishers and will continue to make investments in our analytics platform and expand our coverage and data to offer world-class marketing measurement solutions to our clients,” said Lana Busignani General Manager, Global Media, NIQ.

The launch of MMM, as part of NIQ’s Media portfolio, builds on our mission to provide the most complete understanding of consumers and enables our clients to convert insights to action. We have also expanded our services to offer Matched Market testing (MMT), helping clients measure the sales effect of a media campaign in a live environment before rollout. NIQ will continue to build upon our enablement solutions through our rich ecosystem of data, leading tech and AI capabilities and expertise to drive growth for our clients and retail partners.

About NIQ:

NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. NIQ combined with GfK in 2023, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. Today NIQ has operations in more than 95 countries covering 97% of GDP. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™.

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