Dubai to Host Dubai Woodshow’s 21st Edition, from April 14th to 16th, 2025

2024-09-18 10:20 AM

Dubai is gearing up to host the 21st edition of Dubai Woodshow, the premier international trade fair focusing on the wood, furniture, and woodworking machinery industries in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), gathering more than 600 exhibitors from +50 countries around the world.

Scheduled from April 14 to 16 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, the prestigious event will bring together industry professionals, manufacturers, suppliers and wood machinery and tools specialists, to showcase the latest products, services and technologies in the industry. It will also provide an exciting platform to display a wide variety of wood and woodworking machinery and tools, attracting international investors and businessmen to the region, which contributes to driving economic diversification and industrial advancement.

Dubai WoodShow offers exhibitors the opportunity to connect with their existing customers and discuss prospects and possible synergies to expand their business, while identifying potential customers from new markets, promoting their brands, exchanging views, experiences and knowledge and communicating with interested government entities. Those who are interested in the show can register online by visiting

The exhibition attracts more than 15,000 visitors from over 130 countries annually, making it the premier destination for wood exporters and key players in the sector from around the globe, and a platform for hundreds of exhibitors to gather under one roof and meet with local and international building materials suppliers, distributors & dealers, furniture & machinery manufacturers, architects, interior designers, contractors and developers.

The Dubai Woodshow offers a variety of events, most notably the conference, which includes seminars and keynote speeches with experts, senior government officials and industry specialists, to exchange views, experiences, and knowledge on the latest developments and trends in local, regional and global markets.

The event will also facilitate communication and bilateral meetings between investors and participating entities, to discuss opportunities and potential partnership deals. It also allows exhibitors to showcase their products to an international audience. Innovation Awards will be also presented to innovators from the wood and woodworking machinery industry.

The original source-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as accommodation only and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.

Source: AETOSWire

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