Experian Named to Fortune’s 2024 “100 Best Workplaces in Technology” List

2024-09-12 13:55 PM

Experian North America has been named to the prestigious Fortune Best Workplaces in Technology™ 2024 rankings. This honor spotlights Experian’s high-performing workplace culture that promotes innovation, inclusivity and equity, and team member well-being, growth and advancement.

In determining this year’s 100 Best list, Fortune partnered with the people analytics firm Great Place to Work® to survey more than 870,000 employees and gathered data from companies representing more than 6.1 million employees. The survey enabled employees to share confidential feedback about their organization’s culture by responding to 60 statements that - when put together - describe a great employee experience, defined by high levels of trust, respect, credibility and more.

“This recognition reflects our team members’ hard work in harnessing advanced technology to solve complex problems for our clients and our continuous improvement in building an even stronger, more connected workplace,” said Jennifer Schulz, Chief Executive Officer of Experian North America. “The honor serves as a testament to Experian’s commitment to our people, and their needs inside and outside the workplace.”

Experian was recognized in the Large Workplace category, and a significant factor in receiving the award was the feedback provided by the company’s employees in the Great Place to Work survey.

This is the third notable recognition for Experian in the past two months, having also had Experian’s Sentinel™ Commercial Entity Fraud Suite awarded a silver medal for “Best Know Your Customer/Business (KYC/KYB) Innovation” by Datos Insights and being ranked 7th on the 2024 IDC FinTech Rankings, placing in the top 10 providers for the third consecutive year.

Experian is an AnitaB.org Top Company for Women Technologists since 2017 and honored by Forbes as one of America’s Best Employers for Tech Workers. The company champions diverse recruitment in tech through support of organizations, including AfroTech, Grace Hopper, Lesbians Who Tech and Out In Tech.

About Experian

Experian is a global data and technology company, powering opportunities for people and businesses around the world. We help to redefine lending practices, uncover and prevent fraud, simplify healthcare, deliver digital marketing solutions, and gain deeper insights into the automotive market, all using our unique combination of data, analytics and software. We also assist millions of people to realize their financial goals and help them to save time and money.

We operate across a range of markets, from financial services to healthcare, automotive, agrifinance, insurance, and many more industry segments.

We invest in talented people and new advanced technologies to unlock the power of data and innovate. As a FTSE 100 Index company listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN), we have a team of 22,500 people across 32 countries. Our corporate headquarters are in Dublin, Ireland. Learn more at experianplc.com.

Experian and the Experian marks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Experian and its affiliates. Other product and company names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240911148204/en/

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